Meeting The Cast

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I woke up and went to Wardo's room to check if he was up. He was leaning on his arms to push him self up.

"Sissy" he said happily when he saw me.

I went over and picked him up and went to Emilia's room. There we found Dad and Emilia vlogging.

We went downstairs and found mum in the kitchen.

"What time is the press conference?" I asked her. It was currently 7:30 on a Saturday.

"10:30" she replied.

We all had our breakfast and went upstairs to get dressed. I took a shower last night so I put my clothes on and put on makeup with a neutral eye look.

I helped Wardo get dressed and packed a bag with some toys to keep him entertained in case he gets bored. We only had three seats booked so Emilia and Wardo would be on our laps. I went downstairs and put in some snacks for him and we were planning on having lunch at the conference centre.

It was now 9 and we wanted to be there before 10:15 so we got in the car and drove to the centre. We got there and met a few of the friends before going and finding our seats. Finally the conference started. They started off by introducing each of the panel members which were Rupert, Dan, Emma, Tom, Michael, David, Gary, Maggie, the producers, Chris Columbus, Robbie and Julie.

The staff member asking questions was asking things related to the film and special FX, and then the mic was passed around the audience for selective people to ask questions. They were questions like what was it like with dementors and werewolves and hippogriffs and a Crazy tree. But then there was a question that would involve me.

"Who will be playing Carmen who is the love interest for Harry in the rest of the movies?" A girl asked.

Suddenly all of the panel looked at Chris Columbus expectantly, wanting an answer.

"I have chosen someone to play this role and I contacted this person yesterday about it and she is actually here today. Freya could you come down here?" He asked. All of the people in the room were looking around trying to find the person. I handed Wardo to dad as he had been on my lap and went up to the stage. I was then passed a microphone and the speaker was asking me questions.

"Hi what's your full name?" He asked me.

"Freya Sacconejoly," I replied.

Suddenly murmurs went around the room and people started cheering.

"How old are you and do you have any talents?" He asked. The panel members were all looking at me. People in the audience started chanting for me to sing so clearly some of them had seen the vlogs.

"I am 13 and I can sing, play piano and guitar" I said.

"Can you sing for us?" I heard Chris ask.

I decided to sing Flashlight by Jessie J

When tomorrow comes I'll be on my own
Feeling frightened of the things that I don't know
When tomorrow comes, tomorrow comes, when tomorrow comes

I got all I need when I got you and I
Cause I look around me and see a sweet life
I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight
Getting me, getting me through the night.

I finished singing and heard lots of clapping and cheering. I turned to the panel and saw most of the panel members had their mouths open.

"I can't wait to see the next movie. Is your family here?" The speaker asked.

"Yeah my Mum, Dad and my brother and sister." I replied

"They must be proud of you" he said questioningly.

"WE ARE!" dad shouted from the audience which caused a lot of laughter.

"Well thank your for talking to us and we look forward to seeing you in the next movie. Everyone give us a round of applause for Freya!" The speaker said.

I headed back to my seat. The rest of the conference went by quickly and soon we went to the cafeteria and got lunch. I asked for a Ham, cheese and tomato sandwich and Wardo wanted a chicken sandwich, Emilia wanted a ham and cheese and mum and dad both got Ceaser Salads.

We are lunch and got into the car and headed home. It was now three o clock. We got in the door and were greeted by Tyler. We went into the lounge and saw that he was watching reruns of the voice UK.

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