Chapter 25

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I am at my apartment walking around i am nervouse about what Dan will say.
I don't even Know what i whant but we shall see.
Then there was a knock in my door.
Then i walk and open.
There stands Dan and he looks worryd.
- Hey. I Said and let him in.
- Hey what is it you sounded stressed in the phone what is it?
- Dan i have something to tell you.
- I have to. Herman came to the house last night and he was very angry at me.
Because you telled him the truth.
- Dan what should i have Done.
- You did the right thing. He Said and layed his hand on my cheek.
- No, No i broke his heart. I Said and putted his hand away. And it getted not better when i told him...
- Told him what?
- Dan this is inportant and i whant you to be Calm but i have to tell you.
- What?
- I am pregnant.
He was quiet for some seconds but then he spoke up.
- Realy?
- yes i got a test and it Said i was pregnant.
- O my gosh. He Said. But not in a happy mode.
- Are you happy?
- Yes! You are carring my child why should I not be happy?
- I don't know I thought you would be mad.
- No I am not. He said and looked at me.
But the he took my hands.
- You are going to keep it, right?
- I don't know Dan I Realy don't know.
I haven't made up my mind yet.
- Come on, Angie do you not whant a child?
- I don't know if I have time. It's just so much.
- Think about all the good things.
- Dan i am working with Herman still, i am a model for him still, it's there i get money. I can't change my body look for the photos.
- Angie come on.
- Dan it's enough i have to make up my mind. It's my Child too!
- I Know. I guess you whant me to leave,Huh?
- No, Stay. I Said and took his hand.
And the rest of the night me and him where just talking...
It's morning.
Dan did levande at night. I am laying in my bed thinking i have to make up my mind if i will keep the Child or not.
It's just so hard to decide.
It's so much thats feel right. But it's so much that feels so wrong.
I go up get dressed and walk to Hermans house. I knock on the door and walk in by myself.
I look around me everything is like i remember.
The walls the paintings.
I look at the Wall and see something i have seen Before.
It's me! He has it on the Wall.
I walk closer and see he has wrote his name at the bottom.
- Angie? I heard Hermans voice say behind me.
I turn around and see Herman he has blue jeans, i look higher he has a Black shirt that is open.
I can see his chest and stomack.
He had tiny colour stains all over him and his hands.
He is simply handsome and sexy.
- I'm sorry i did not wait but i knocked and the door was open so i.
- It's Okay, but what do you whant? He asked and looked at me.
- i whant to make a point to something but i can't.
- don't say you wonder if you will keep the Child or not.
- Yes it's true.
- Angie... You Know i can't say what you should do.
- I know, but i just don't Know what to do. I talked to Dan yesterday he whant me to keep it but...
- You don't Know if you feel the same?
I nodded.
- As Dans brother and your working partner i just can say that you have to think about it and then do what you feel is the best.
I hugged him fast.
I pulled back and i looked in his eyes and he looked in mine...
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