Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Morning soon came, the sun shining brightly through the thin curtains of the McLarenMotorhome windows. I turned over and looked at my phone – 8am it read. So I thought I'd get up and make breakfast; that would get the boys up no doubt, especially Jenson. I threw on my clothes after my quick shower, and I headed to the kitchen.

20 minutes later,breakfast was served. A small English breakfast. Yes, yes I know they shouldn't be having this, but it was once in a blue moon for them,as a treat. I soon heard movement, and slowly but surely, the boys appeared. Jenson hugged me good morning with a kiss on the head then made his way to his breakfast, Lewis just hugged me then followed Jenson. I decided to go out for a walk, just to freshen up abit more.So I waved them goodbye for now, and headed outside.

The morning Australian air was crisp and fresh but warm, unlike England at this time of year. I walked round the paddock, it was quiet. I thought I'd go on the pit lane, before there were any drivers or cars or mechanics around. I walked through the passageway to the pit lane, and there I found Sebastian, he must have had the same idea as me. Then again his reason would be different to mine of course with Qualifying starting not too soon. I walked over to him, and stood next to him looking out at the track, soon it would be full of cars racing round to qualify for tomorrow's Grand Prix. I looked at Seb. He looked so calm, must be confident for his first qualifying since becoming World Champion.

'Morning Seb, how are you feeling?' I broke the silence, as the warm wind blew.

'Morning Sofia, I'm fine, just getting used to the idea of this being my first qualifying since becoming World Champion, a lot of pressure on my shoulders to make it 2 in a row this year' He answered me, and quite calmly too seeing as the answer didn't seem it.

'I know you'll do fine Seb, you always do' I smiled as I said this, trying to give him some confidence. He looked at me, and smiled, and then hugged me.

'Thanks Sofia...'He whispered in my ear.

'You're welcome...'I whispered back with a smile. Why couldn't it be like this all the time? I wondered this quite a lot since Korea, when we had moments like this.

We parted from eachother's arms, and Seb said his goodbyes till later I was guessing and then he left. I turned around and started to think while looking out at the track. No kiss, not even on the cheek or a little peck on the lips? Why? Was what kept going around in my head. Feeling someone's hands on my shoulders brought me back to reality. I turned around and saw Nico.

'Morning Sofia.....'He stopped in mid sentence. I turned away from his glance, because I knew what was coming.

'Are you alright?...'He asked me. I knew that was coming, I obviously wasn't hiding it very well, not today anyway. I couldn't avoid it nomore, not from Nico.

'I'm as good as I can be, when Seb is been really offish with me, and I can't workout why...' I had to answer him with the truth. As I said this, Nico's facial expression saddened. First time I'd seen him like this in a long time. He pulled me into a hug. I just hugged him back,I didn't know what else to do.

We parted as we heard someone shout Nico, it sounded like Michael. The team must want to go over everything before Qualifying started.

'You better go Nico, I don't want you late for briefing with the team...' I was always like this, it didn't matter who it was, I didn't want no1 getting in trouble if they were late because of me.

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