Avery's lifestyle

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A letter from my parents:
Dear Maya,
This is your mother "Gracie", with your father "Mike". We want to tell you that we are going to be traveling around the world within a 2 to 6 months! We'll miss your birthday, but we promise to call. Clara's family is going to take care of you! We promise to constantly text you!
                                        Love, Your Mom and Dad
When I woke up, I saw Clara's crowded room that she shared with Avery, Bella and Clara herself. It was full of bunk beds and cabinets.
Clara: Hi Maya!
Maya: Huh? Where am I?
Bella: Our house
Avery: Maya, our parents really planned to have more than 1 child. Although this house is big, we can't have a room for each of us. So, we'll show you around come on!
Clara: Ava, can I come?
Avery: Ya!
After that showed me their house, I felt thankful. Their home was a mess! Especially, they boys room. Dominic was messy! All their rooms were crammed!
Nancy West: Morning Avery Nicole, Bella Ashlyn, Clara Jade and Maya Gabrielle SMITH. Cook your own breakfast!
Avery: Come on guys! I'm sorry for you, you have to deal with this for a long time. This is why we enjoy our stays in your house. The sofas are clean, your house is organized, your parents care.
Bella: 😐Our parents don't! This lifestyle SUCKS!
Nancy West: It doesn't! You all suck. I had to deliver you all, 😡, except Maya 😂
ABC: *rolls eyes

Avery's Routine
6:30-6:45: Wake Up
6:50-7:20: Shower
7:30-8:30: Eat Breakfast
8:40-9:00: Cuddle the Boys! Exclude Dominic
Oh Well, that's all you need to know.
What I wrote on my diary:
Dear Diary,
It's not ok! Why not Aunt Pamela with my cousin Sue and Ellen. I just hope mommy and daddy come home safely. It has been 6 months since they left me. Oh, well, I just know God has a plan for everything. God made me stay with Aunt Nancy for a good reason.
Have Faith,
Maya Gabrielle Smith :D
Well, the next day, they came home. Thanks Be To God!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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