Chapter 2

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(Elfman's POV)

Her smile was beautiful. I wanted her to be mine but I'm pretty sure she only wants to be friends. Her voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Elfman. Hey. You know thinking is dangerous for you right?" (y/n) asks. I just chuckle and nod.

"That's not gonna stop me." I say and smile. I see her blush. Maybe she does like me. Should I say something to tell her that I like her? No. She'll be mad at me. I can't do that to our friendship. Before I know what I'm doing I'm kissing her. She was saying something but I didn't hear it.

(Your POV)

You shake your head.

"Elfman, your spa..." your speech was interrupted by Elfman leaning over and kissing you. You move to punch him but stop as you feel his soft lips on yours.' He's so warm. My face is getting warm. Whats happening to me?' You think and close your wide eyes. He pulls you close to him and picks you up. Without thinking you wrap your legs around his waist and he pulls his face from yours. You gasp and see his face bright red and he's staring you in the eye.

"Sorry." He starts. "I don.." You shut him up and kiss him again. You realize that he wanted this and you smiled breaking away from the kiss and putting your forehead on his.

"Elfman." You say breathlessly

"Ya?" he answers

"Why did you kiss me? Not that I didn't like it, but why?" You ask

"I want you (y/n). I really do." he says and grins. You blush and jump out of his arms backwards and lad on your feet when someone knocks on the door. He chuckles. You make a face at him and go to open the door.

"Hey (y/n) -sama." Wendy says as she, Lucy, Erza, Natsu, and Grey walk in.

"Hi." You say as you shut the door and Elfman walks over and Nutmeg flys through the window and lands on your shoulders. You pat her head and go get  an orange for Nutmeg considering the fact she's allergic to fish.

The people that just walked in sit in your living area and you are forced to sit on the floor do to lack of chairs, so Elfman sits next to you.

~time skip~

You are sitting in the guild hall a week or so after Elfman kissed you. You still don't know what to think of it. Ever since he's been acting weird. He's gotten you flowers and even tried to convince you to leave your house and come live with him. You know you shouldn't but you can't help it. It's sweet that he is caring so much about you. You just hope that the season doesn't make you hurt him. It's only a week away. "(Y/n)...?" Elfman asks as he sits by you. You jump not expecting to hear him. "What?" You ask. "You know how dragon season is soon? I was wondering if you know who your mate is." He said and looked away blushing a bit. You smile and stand up so you can reach his face with yours because he's so tall. "Look at me Elfman." You say gently. When he turns his head you smile and kiss him softly. "Does that answer your question?" You ask. He nods and puts his hand on the small of your back where you guild mark it. You decided to wear a really tight crop top that shows a lot of you torso and makes your chest stand out. You shiver at his touch as he moves his fingers to gently trace your white symbol. You blush and he moves and has you sit on his lap. He sighs and kisses the top of your head.

You never expected to be anything more than friends with him. You had joined the guild two years after him and he was always the kindest to you. He was like your brother. Well he was... until he kissed you.

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