Story 2: Rapunzel

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Author's note: It's Rapunzel but nobody in Seventeen has really really Long hair so ;-; Ill stick to rope!

Mingyu's pov

"Phew! As always, they can never catch up to me!" A blue-haired boy exclaimed as he leaned against a tree, clutching onto a brown bag.

His name was Kim Mingyu. A wanted thief, flirt and a loner. He never really had any friends since he cheated most of them before they got close to him. That just left him with shallow relationships and regrets. He was tall, dashing and he could run really fast so he decided to try his luck with stealing. He succeeded once and now it became his past-time.

"Hey, I think I see him!"

A voice said somewhere in the woods. Mingyu started his escape yet again.

"There he is! "

"They have horses?! Not fair!" Mingyu groaned as he jumped over logs and ducked under branches.

He was getting tired from running away. Normally, the chasers would give up but this time Mingyu decided to take the risk and steal a royal treasure: a very important crown. Apparently, it was rumoured to belong to the lost prince but Mingyu could care less. He just wanted it for the fun of it. The Royal Guards were in a frenzy and chased him up and down but he escaped every time.

Fatigue got to him eventually.

He ran deep into the forest. Deeper and deeper. He was tired.

Then, there was a bundle of weeping willows dangling down. Weird. He walked towards it and he realised he could walk 'into' it. The sound of horses galloping got louder and he ran deeper, through the array of weeping willows. It revealed a sight which swept his breath away.

There was a waterfall, bushes of roses, flowers of various kind and all of it surrounded by cliffs. It was like a world of it's own. Then, there was a tower. A really tall tower. With only one window.

"Hey, where is he? Keep finding him!!"

Mingyu swallowed his saliva as he decided to climb the tower. He must not be caught but why is the tower so tall?!

"Just a few more!" Mingyu huffed as he climbed up the tower. Heights were not his thing and it does not help that he had no safety equipment. One mistake and that meant the end. He reached for the edge of the window and cheered internally.

He climbed over the window ledge and looked up. He almost fell over when he saw someone coming down the stairs. That would have been a waste of effort.

The person standing in front of him had a blank expression but he was gorgeous. He had black ebony hair, sharp eyes and a thin frame. If only he was a girl...

"Er... Hi?" Mingyu said sheepishly, knowing too well that he was tresspassing.

He got knocked out cold afterwards.

... A few hours or who knows how long

"Ouch...Didn't know he would be so hostile." Mingyu grumbled as he woke up with a headache.

He was in a cramped, pitch dark place with a few soft toys eerily beside him. Where the heck am I? Mingyu was panicking when he heard a voice. A deep soothing voice.

"But Mother, can I at least go out for once? It's my birthday soon-"


Another voice.

"But Mother-"


Oh, his name is wonwoo... Nice name.

"The outside world is dangerous! You don't want to go out there!"


"No buts! Wonwoo dear, please don't mention this topic again."

"Y-yes, Mother..."

"Tell me what you want and I'll buy it for you. Mother wants you to be happy too, dear."

"Erm... I'll need more paint. You know, the ones made from those rare shells."

"Of course I'll get them for you darling! It's going to be a long trip so take care of yourself!"

"Yes, you too, Mother."

"You know where all the food is and all the medicine and-"

"Yes, Mother."

"Don't be so gloomy (then again it's Wonwoo you're talking about), I'll come back soon."

"Yes, Mother."

"Take care of yourself, dear."

That was the last thing Mingyu heard before a long silence. Has she left?

Mingyu struggled around as he kicked the door of whatever he was kept in open. Oh, it was a closet.

He looked up at the person in front of him. The person who made him unconscious. The person who had a blank expression. The person called Wonwoo.

"Hi? Thank you for knocking me out cold. It really hurts." Mingyu said as he rubbed his head.


The other male walked away, picking up a book to read from the shelf. Mingyu stared at him, clueless as to what he should do.

Suddenly, he remembered.

"Where's my brown bag?"

The questioned male looked at him and walked away

Boy, is he rude.

Then again, I'm trespassing.

Mingyu sighed when Wonwoo appeared in front of him, holding out the familiar brown bag. Mingyu grabbed it and looked at it's content. He sighed in relief when he saw that the crown was still there.

"Hey, are you one of those bad guys?" The guy with the blank expression said something to him for the first time.

"First of all, I have a name and it's Kim Mingyu. Secondly, how can someone as dashing as me be a bad guy?!" Mingyu whined.

The other guy stared at him with the same blank face, this time mixed with a bit disgust.

"I'm Jeon Wonwoo. Can you do me a favor?"


"Yes or no?"

"Er... What happens if I say no?"

"Then I'll push you off the tower or you can say hi to my book when it hits your face."

"What makes you think you're stronger than me?"

"Surely, you have more pride than hurting me despite being a trespasser."

Mingyu frowned as he stood, arms akimbo.

"Fine. Tell me your request and I will obey it, my fair maiden." Mingyu almost choked as he said it. Still, he cant' deny how beautiful Wonwoo was.

"I'd like you to take me outside."

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