Story 1: Snow white

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Author's note: Can you guess who Snow White is? Hint: He has really fair skin.

Third person Pov.

In a castle far far away...

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" The 'queen' exclaimed, eager for the answer.

The image on the mirror groaned.
"I've told you the answer so many times, Jeonghan."

"Stop groaning and tell me!" Jeonghan tapped his feet impatiently.

"It's Snow White for goodness sake!"

Jeonghan banged his fist on the mirror.

"What did you say?"

"Snow white."


"IT'S SNOW WHITE! Do you have to ask me that everytime you wake me up. If only I wasn't trapped in this mirror, I'd jump out and tape your mouth shut."

"Cool it, Jooheon."

The image in the mirror faked a tear and continued complaining about his life. The Queen on the other hand, was complaining about this particular person who has been ruining his life goal of being the most fairest person in the world.

Snow White.

This Snow White was working in the castle, near the well. According to legends and rumours, 'she' was supposed to be kind, beautiful and caring. The 'Queen' shook his head.

Where on earth did those rumours come from?


On the other side of the castle, Snow White was standing beside the well, holding a bucket of water.

"Wait till I pour this bucket of water over Jeonghan's clothes. This is what he gets for ordering me around." A guy with beautiful fair skin exclaimed.

Yup, this Snow White is definitely a contrast to the rumours.

His name was Lee Jihoon. He has really fair skin, striking pink hair and his nickname, Snow White.

The person mentioned really hates his nickname though. He hated the fact that the Queen orders him around. He hated that he was getting so much unnecessary attention from people he never knew. He hated that his fair skin brought him constant problems. He hated that there were rumours of him being a beautiful maiden and guys from various places coming to see him, leaving in disappointment when they found out that he was a guy.

"I just wanted to be an ordinary person!!" Jihoon threw a rock over the low palace walls in frustration.


That startled Jihoon. He was the only one here other than the animals that kept him company. Who said that "Oww"? Jihoon looked around and decided that it was just his imagination.

"Why did a rock land on my head?"
A guy with slick black hair muttered as he jumped down the wall.

Jihoon gazed at the man. The latter did too in return. They both engaged in a long staring competition unconsciously. The man had gorgeous red lips, eyelashes to die for and a really uniquely beautiful face. Jihoon slapped himself to reality as he quickly grabbed his companion, Mr broom, and pointed at the man.

"Who're you?" He said, eyes furrowed.

"A trespasser." The man grinned.

"I can see that."

"I just lost my horse and I happened to end up here."

Jihoon stared at him with suspicion in his eyes but then turned away as he made his way to the bucket of water again. Dealing with trespassers was never his job. The man quickly caught up to him.

"What're you doing?" The man asked gleefully.

Jihoon ignored him and continued with his 'important' task.

"I'm Choi Seungcheol. What's your name?"

Jihoon glared back at him and carried the bucket away. So he's name is Seungcheol... Nice name.

"Heyyy! Your name?"

Seungcheol placed his hands on Jihoon's shoulders all of a sudden, scaring the daylights out of him. The bucket fell out of his grasp and spilled all of it's contents on Jihoon's shoes. That did it.

"What do you want, bastard?!" Jihoon snapped and tugged at the taller male's collar.

"Your name." He grinned and Jihoon wanted to slap that smile of his face.

"Jihoon. Lee Jihoon. You happy now?" Jihoon let go of his collar and stomped off, grabbing the now empty bucket as he went to the well.

"Hey, Jihoon!" Seungcheol walked over to Jihoon yet again.

He ignored him.

"Jihoon! Woah, this castle is pretty old."

Ignore. Ignore.

"Jihoon, how old are you?"

Temper. Temper.

"I'm 21 (Korean age). "


"Okay, that's enough! I don't want to know about you. Will you leave me alone, CHOI SEUNGCHEOL!" Jihoon bellowed as he threw the bucket at Seungcheol, barely missing the guy.

He regretted what he said and the fact that the bucket missed his current annoyance.

A smile appeared on Seungcheol's face.

"You remembered my name! Great!" Seungcheol beamed and Jihoon felt his heart skipped a beat. It's probably just his imagination. Just his imagination and nothing else.

Jihoon rolled his eyes and was about to talk back to Seungcheol when suddenly there was a shout of his name.


Jihoon felt his heart sink but Seungcheol just laughed.

"Guess that's my cue to leave. Won't want you to get in trouble." Seungcheol grinned as he pushed Jihoon to the direction of the door.

Did Seungcheol want me to leave so badly?

Jihoon bit his lips and walked away without glancing back. At least that meant he could put an end to a relationship before it even started. Good. Jihoon closed the door behind him. He's just a stranger, that's all. Jihoon walked down the hallways, leaving Seungcheol alone on the other side of the door.

"I'll come back to get you."

Seungcheol muttered as he jumped over the castle walls.

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