Chapter One: Part One (Autumn)

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Chapter One: Part One: Autumn

It had started out like any other ordinary day for Autumn: driving to her 9-5 job in her beaten up Toyota, with her stomach rumbling because of her -once again- forgotten breakfast. Currently stuck in retail, Autumn was saving as much as she could to fund her future.

Her workplace was a little independent clothes shop, owned by her father's current fling. Autumn had betted it would only last three months, at the most, but one day, Trixie was suddenly flashing a diamond ring on her left hand. At least, her income from Trixie's Treasures would be steady for a little while longer.

Autumn was greeted by a stack of clothes thrown into her arms, the moment she entered the store. Trixie had stress painted all over her face, her faux-gold bangles clinking with every frustrated shake of the hand, while explaining to her employees that it was in fact, nearly opening time and the new stock had barely been touched yet. A scenario Autumn heard nearly every week. One that Autumn normally had to solve.

"Autumn, you're finally here!" Trixie acted as if she was late, when in fact she was 15 minutes early for her shift. "You know what to do, put this stock out before doors open!"

It was clear to Autumn that this shop was Trixie's pride and joy, even if the customers weren't always a plenty. In fact, there probably would be only one to two customers until 10. "I'm on it, Trixie!"

The clock struck 9. Doors were now open and the stock pile that was chucked into Autumn's arms was all out. But then, the phone started ringing. A phone call which was going to change the algorithms of Autumn's life.

"Hello? This is Autumn from Trixie's Treasures, how may I help?" She answered, ready to tell another old lady about the opening times.

               "Just the person I was looking for, actually. I think you may be able to help me out?" The voice was deep but smooth, each word carefully spoken.

Autumn was instantly confused. This was not the usual kind of customer to ring the store and they definitely did not ask for Autumn herself. "And what is it you need assisting with?"

"I was hoping you could meet me. I had to find out how to contact you, and it turns out there's not many Autumn's in this area, so I'm pretty sure this is you."

                "I don't quite understand, sir."

"I must sound absolutely insane right now and I understand if you hang up. But the thing is, I was at my sister's college production, Chicago, and I happened to notice you doing the lighting. I picked up a program and found your name and I wasn't sure how to contact you. I thought that leaving a note would look slightly creepy."

                 "And this isn't creepy? Did you want me to do some lighting stuff for you or something?"

"Not exactly. I just wanted to meet you. I knew this was a stupid way to ask a girl out." Autumn could tell the guy on the other end of the line was getting embarrassed.

                "I'll think about it. I'm not keen on the idea of meeting strangers."

"Meet me and I won't be a stranger."

                    "You're not helping yourself out."

"When do you finish work? I'll pick you up after work, we can talk?" The guy was persistent, Autumn couldn't understand why.

"I guess you could meet me at Frankie's, the café? At about half five. But I can't stay long." A public safe place, that's what they always told you to do when meeting a stranger right?

                   "I'll be there."

He hung up. Autumn put the phone down, confused. Trixie's voice broke Autumn out her daze. "Who was that, honey? You were on the phone a long time."

Autumn wasn't about to confide in her soon-to-be replacement of her dead mother. "Just another old lady asking about opening times. Took a while to explain, you know what it's like."

Trixie pursed her lips. "I'm sick of those damn calls."

She knew that meeting a random guy from a very strange phone call was bound to end in disaster, but Autumn couldn't shake it from her mind all day. There was something in her gut telling her to break out of her daily routine and do it. Curiosity killed the cat.


Hi guys!

So this is part one of chapter one! I didn't want to make it a longer wait than it already is, so I decided to post my chapters in sections, as they are different POVs anyway. I hope you enjoy!

Mia xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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