Chapter One

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-Chapter One-

-Ebonie’s POV-

“For God’s sake Ebonie! How are you going to get anywhere in life if you don’t point that toe!” My mother shouted, poking my foot with her wooden stick.

“Sorry.” I murmured as I pointed my toe whilst I was doing the box splits.

“No, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I keep on pushing you. I know that its hard sweetie and I’m not letting you do much else, but you’re good. You’re really good and if I’m not here to help guide you, then who is?” She asked helping me up.

“I’m going upstairs.” I sighed as I walked out of the dance room and up the stairs.

My body stopped as I walked past James’s room. It had only been a year. I pushed the door open and walked in, closing the door behind me. His room had been untouched. Everything was in the same place that it was before. Clothes were still on his floor, his football was on the end of his bed and a piece of paper was sticking out of his desk drawer. The walls were still plastered with posters and photos of James with his friends, family but most of all, me. It was unfair. James didn’t deserve what happened to him. Then again nobody deserves what happens to them most of the time. I walked over to his desk and pulled out the piece of paper. Scribbled on the front of the envelope was ‘Ebby, happy 18th’ I slipped the envelope into my pocket and walked out of his room. I left his bedroom door slightly open and walked straight into my room, opposite his. I grabbed my laptop and pressed the power button and waited for it to load. Whilst I waited for the laptop to load, I pulled the envelope and placed it on my cream and navy stripped duvet. Tearing my eyes away from the envelope I pulled up twitter and composed a new tweet.

Where’s Prince Charming when you need him?

After I had sent the tweet I chuckled to myself at some of the responses I had received from my followers. Most of them were from Directioners telling me that Prince Charming was in London with four of his very hot best friends. That’s the one thing that I loved about our fandom, was that we always looked after each other. Now and then you would get the old bitch here and there but that’s what you expect. I noticed that I had a DM from possibly the nicest Directioner I have ever spoken to - @1DirectionOnly.

Hey Rose, what’s wrong? X

That is one of the many reasons why Skye is probably one of the nicest Directioners I have spoken too. She’s always there if you need her and she never pushes anything if you don’t want to talk about it. She always senses if there is something wrong and she’ll change the subject.

Just not feeling too good x

Do you wanna talk about it? X

Not really, sorry. X

Why are you sorry? X

Dunno :L I really want some brownies! X

Go and make some then silly billy! X

Cba. How was dance rehearsal yesterday?x

Was OK. Yours?x

Let’s just say she was stressy. I’ve got to go, speak later x

Bye bye!x

I logged out of twitter and placed my laptop on my bedside table. My gaze then found itself on the envelope which I had found in James’ room. I couldn’t help the little conversation which was happening in my brain. One side was telling me to open it and then the others saying no. I grabbed the envelope and slowly began to open it.

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