Chapter 9: Bill's Test

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"Hmm...'what is your ideal date?'" Bill asked himself, reading question 413 aloud. "Quite honestly, I'd rather it be in the Mindscape."

He continued reading and answering the questions. A 9000-question quiz seemed a bit much for him, but he couldn't give up hope now. If he wanted to achieve his aspirations, this is just a small obstacle to hurtle over. He would have a lot more obstacles to overcome in the future. As he was filling out the questionaire, Bill thought about (Y/N). Never had he thought he would fall for a human, but he had. Since the day she was born, he had slowly been falling in love with her. And when the time comes, he wants to keep her safe and by his side.

After a few hours, he was finally done filling out Mabel's dating test. He gave it to her and she started going over it. Her expressions kept changing as she looked over it. Some responses she liked and others she wasn't sure about. She just skimmed over it for a few more minutes before returning to Bill.

"Bill, on a scale of one to five, I give you a three," she says, putting a sticker that says 'Datable' on his cheek. "Now go out there and talk to her!"

Bill walked out the door, removing the sticker from his cheek. Looking around the Mystery Shack, he eventually found (Y/N) sitting in her room, looking sadly at a small piece of paper.

"Hiya kid!" he says from the doorway.

(Y/N)'s POV

I sat on my bed with a photo of my parents in my hands, thinking back to how things were before they died. If we hadn't come here, then that crash would've been avoided. We would all be at home, safe and happy. I felt tears pique fro my eyes when coming up with these ideologies.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone speaking from the doorway. "Heya kid!" A familiar male voice exclaimed.

I looked over to see Bill in the doorway, just as he appeared in my dream. He started walking over to me. I quickly slid the picture underneath my pillow, hoping he didn't see me with it. I sat up on the edge of the bed while he sat beside me.

"Have you been crying?"

I was a bit annoyed at his question. Either he can't tell that I have and wants to make sure, or he knows and he just wants to see me break down. I just turned my head away, facing the wall while a few remaining tears escaped from my eyes that had imprisoned them.

I felt the mattress shift very slightly. Looking over, I saw Bill move the pillow and pick up the picture, looking at it with interest.

Reaching up, I quickly yanked it out of his hands, bringing it to my chest.

"You don't touch that! You never touch that!" I yelled. My voice hitched a bit, making it obvious I was crying.

My eyes widened when I realized that the tears were now visible to Bill. He looked at me with a look in his eyes. It was almost sad and apologetic.

Bill's POV:

I contemplated telling (Y/N) that I was the reason she is an orphan now. Even if I did break my deal with (Y/F/N) and save them both, they had no chance of getting somewhere safe without being caught by death. Besides, I do take my deals very seriously; I just bend them so I can get more out of it, but I do fulfill the requested bargain. And with (Y/F/N) and (Y/M/N) both dead, (Y/N) deserves to know what the deal is so that I can keep her safe.

But of course, I don't want her to be pissed at me for being honest. I may be sadistic (or sadomasochistic?), but I at least have a heart. I don't want to see her sad anymore. The thought of it sounded so appealing before, but now it doesn't. All that appeals to me now is her by my side.

Fuck it, I'm just going to tell her.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" she looked at me in the eyes, sadness inhabiting her orbs. "I...I have something to tell you. You deserve to know this."

(Y/N)'s POV:

I shifted to give Bill my undivided attention, listening to what he has to say.

"When you were born, (Y/F/N) summoned me and told me to help get rid of some people he had a...history with. Of course, these kind of things required a bargain, so I told him that I would play a significant role in your life in return. He only asked that I protected you, so the deal was sealed.

"Now, when you three decided to go on a trip to Gravity Falls, I thought it was pointless since there would be nothing new going on. But, when you got into that accident, that all changed.

"Remember how I said your father wanted me to keep you safe?" I nodded. "Well, I was the one who pulled you out of that wreck. Your parents had no chance of survival, and besides, I wasn't required to save them. Neither of them asked for my protection, so I only saved you. I brought you to the Mystery Shack. I knew this place, and I knew you would be safe with Pine Tree and Shooting Star and everyone else here."

I paused, thinking for a moment. Then...

Ok, (not) sorry for the cliffhanger, but expect a new chapter soon.

I'm going on vacation for a few days, but (in Terminator voice) I'll be back.

Remember, reality's an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!

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