bleach oneshots (toshiro)

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I walked down the hallway towards the 10th division. I was a new recruit, better yet I was the new 2nd Lt. it was cold today. The grass frozen by unseen ice crystals. I was looking down at the paper the head captain had given me. It was the directions to my new division. Sighing I mentally slapped myself for not asking around as I went. ‘Idiot how could I be so forgetful’ I thought as i looked back up. Suddenly my brown eyes caught hold of a pair of crystal ones. Eyes that most would find cold and would fear, but I found them intriguing and beautiful. A smile shot across my features as I realized this must be my new captain. The one and only child prodigy, Toushiro Hitsuguya.


I watched as a girl walked through my division. She wasn’t tall more like a few inches shorter than me. She didn’t adorn the usual shingami attire. Instead she wore a short zipper vest that exposed some of her chest a white tank top underneath. She wore the same pants only they were cut to just above her knee. A breeze that would chill normal people to the bone seemed only to pass by her. Making her long brown hair flutter around her face. She looked up from the paper she had been carrying. Glancing around her eyes found mine. They were soft caring but they seemed troubled all the same. Though they lightened when a smile spread across her face. “Are you Captain Hitsuguya?” she asked her voice smooth and even as though she was talking to one of her friends. “Yes and you are?” a look of relief spread across her face. “Thanks goodness I was beginning to think I had gotten lost on my way.” She smiled once again “I’m Mina Tsuki” she extended her hand to me I shook her hand as she handed me some papers. “The head captain said for me to give those to you” suddenly her eyes caught sight of a small blue bird and she dashed off to sit on the ground beside it. It was about to fly away when she whistled a tune. The bird flew to her and sat on her finger. I smiled inspite of myself. ‘She’s so much like a child’ I thought as I scanned the papers. ‘2nd Lt.?’ I thought ‘this girl…is she really so powerful?’ I flipped through her file again. 4 years of training completed in a year. ‘Maybe I’m not the only prodigy.’


After I played with the little blue bird Captain Hitsuguya called me over to him “we have to find my Lt. Rangiku she didn’t finish her work and went to go drinking again” I laughed “I know where she is. She and I hang out at the bar when we can” his eyes narrowed “don’t worry she’s probably not that drunk. Yet.” He sighed “it’s not her I’m worried about” I just laughed again. Who knew the captain had a sense of humor. About an hour later i walked into my favorite bar Toushiro in tow. “Hey Tsuki. What’s going on” my drunk friend Rangiku said/slurred. “Oh! Um hello Captain, what brings you here” she asked more sober than before. “My new 2nd Lt. said I could find you here” “oh and who’s the new 2nd?” I smiled “I am” she laughed “no way you’re shorter than captain is!” she exclaimed “for the last time I’m not short I’m pocket sized!” I growled now irritated. My happy mood was ruined. The whole bar busted out laughing at my statement. The trace of a smile hinted at Toushiro’s features. “Rangiku you have paper work to do.” Toushiro growled. A small uneasy laugh left said Lt.’s lips. “Umm well you know I’ve been meaning to do that but I just never had the time” she said. I just sighed “I’ll do it captain. Cause if I don’t then Rangiku wont. And besides I need time to get to know my new captain” I smiled.


When Tsuki said she wanted to get to know me my face got hot. I played it off as it was just hot in the room. But Rangiku wouldn’t let things be. “Oh! Captain you’re blushing!” she smirked. ‘I have a feeling this isn’t going to be good for me’ I thought as she went on about how cute we would be together. Tsuki laughed a sound I found utterly adorable. “Rangiku you know that’s not true” she said eyes going sad “and you also know why that’s not true you know what happened” she whispered a tear slid from her eyes.


(Still toushiro’s pov)

It’s been a month since Tsuki came to be in my division. And finally, FINALLY, all of the paper work was caught up. Rangiku wouldn’t drop the whole ‘captain and tsuki’ thing and everyone else had picked up on it. I kept remembering that night when Tsuki had said that things like me and her would never happen. I asked Rangiku why she said that and all she would say was ‘ask tsuki’. So I did. All she would tell me is that she would rather not speak of it and change the subject. ‘I’m going to ask her again today but today she's going to tell me what happened.’ I said. She walked in a few minutes later. Today was quiet like always. “Tsuki, why did you tell Rangiku that things like me and you wouldn’t happen?” she seemed to ponder for a minute then settled on “it’s nothing” her eyes seemed to fight for a minute caught between sadness and heartbreak. “Captain I-I need to go take these papers to head captain” she stood and went to leave. But before she could I had her arms pinned above her head. Papers forgotten in the haste to keep her here. “Please” I begged. “Please tell me what’s wrong”


I wanted to leave the room so I told captain I was going to take some papers to the head captain. But before I was able to get out the door Toushiro had pinned me to the wall hands above my head. Then he did something that I never would have expected him to do. He begged. He begged me to tell him what was wrong. A tear escaped my grasp and fell down my cheek. I told him everything. About how every guy I was with left me. How they always used me to get to another girl. They never wanted me for me. Then I told him about the one guy the one who broke my heart and I vowed never to open my heart to someone else after that. That was, until I meet him. How he was the only one who took me seriously. After all that spilled out I couldn’t seem to contain my tears. They flowed down my face like a river of heart break. I felt him wipe them away. “I bet you think I’m pathetic now huh?’ I laughed at myself “I’m a wreck” I looked into his eyes to see if he confirmed it. But all I saw there was love. Taken aback I went to move back. Realizing once again that I was against the wall. “Tsuki, I’m not like all those others. I would never hurt you. I would hurt myself before I would hurt you.” His crystal eyes held no lie. It was all I could do not to throw myself at him. He rested his forehead on mine our noses touching. “Tsuki, I love you. Please, please believe that.” I smiled how could I not. He never told me a lie before, why start now? “I do Toushiro, I love you too” slowly his lips brushed mine. Timid. Almost as if he wasn’t sure this was happening. I pushed myself forward putting pressure against his lips. His arms slowly wrapped around my waist as I slid mine around his neck. We stayed like this for as long as possible. If there wasn’t a such thing as breathing we might have stayed like that forever. But alas we had to break for air. Toushiro put his forehead back on mine he looked into my eyes “be mine?” he asked I smiled and kissed him again “did you even have to ask?” he smiled at this as well. “You’re the only one allowed to call me by my first name” He pushed away and walked over to his desk and pulled out a box. “Open it” he said. When I opened it inside was a snowflake necklace. He wrapped his arms around me “I want everyone to know who’s you are. And that you’re not to be messed with” I kissed him again. Suddenly the door flew open and in ran Rangiku. “Awwwwww! Captain and tsuki! That’s sooooo KAWAII!!!!” she practically yelled. I whispered to Toushiro “I don’t think you’ll have a problem letting everyone know who’s I am”

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