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Full Name: Mirabelle Tamako Rosa de Grantaine Suoh

Name Used: Tamako Suoh

Model Name: Takara Kin

Pianist Name: Rosa de Grantaine

Grade: 2nd year, class 2-A

Sex: female

Birthday: April 8

Age: 16

Height: 6'0" same as her brother

Blood Type: A

Eye Color usually/ piano: Violet

Eye color when modeling/ at school/ the host club: green using contacts

Hair: long silky blonde to butt

Body: perfect (model standards)

Rose Color: gold
Meaning: The color gold is the color of success, achievement, and triumph. Associated with abundance and prosperity, luxury and quality, prestige and sophistication, value and elegance, the psychology of this color implies affluence, material wealth, and extravagance. Optimistic and positive, gold adds richness and warmth to everything with which it is associated - it illuminates and enhanced other things around it. Confident, passionate, and eye-catching, gold draws attention to itself.

Personality: flamboyant, egotistical, dramatic, smart, passionate, confident, positive, nice, elegant, enthusiastic, energetic, spontaneous, active, doesn't like to lose, likes to show what she's got, attention seeker, flirty,

Good at: modeling, playing piano, speaking French and Japanese, singing, smiling, attracting attention,

Bad at: cooking never really learned how,

Good Habits: keeping secrets, making people smile, not a bad bone in her body,

Bad Habits: going into the emo corner occasionally,

Likes: piano, romance novels, fanfiction, male models, teasing her brother, small pranking games, modeling, compliments, animals, her pet hedgehogs Momo and Ichigo/Ichy, attention,

Dislikes: her grandmother, female model coworkers, pranks that go too far,

Family: Tamaki Suoh (younger twin brother), Yuzuru Suoh (father), Anne-Sophie de Grantaine (mother), Shizue Suoh (grandmother)

Story begins a month into the school year. Grandmother doesn't know that she's in Japan and doesn't know that she's Takara Kin the model. Grandmother does know that she's Rosa de Grantaine the famous pianist.

As per usual most Ouran fanfics have the main girl be abused, cuts herself, harms herself, someone in the family dies, she's in a gang or the mafia, someone kills someone, she has (a) big scar (s) somewhere on her body, she kills someone, abusive parents or (ex) boyfriend, or is mute or deaf, or some other thing like that and honestly I'm sick of reading all of those kinds of stories. It's boring and WAY way way overused.

This story is not like any of those. I just want to point that out.

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