The Simple use of Grammar

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My introduction to grammar for the everyday author, of Wattpad and elsewhere, is one that I hope many of you will both enjoy and learn from. The information contained here is simple enough, if it is at all unclear COMMENT BELOW. I promise to assist you in anyway I can to ensure that our grammar is up to Grammar Nazi standards so you will never lose an argument on the internet again. I've heard this happens often. In this book of widely expanding knowledge I hope you will find the answers you are looking for.

Why am I doing this? I edit part time on Wattpad and find that many of these mistakes may be fixed by themselves! IMAGINE MY SURPRISE!

So without further ado I'll leave you (but not really) to your own devices to explore the magical thing called grammar.

These are some commonly misused words:


Their - Possessive.

Example: Their house was on fire.

They're - They are.

Example: They're not using correct grammar.

There - This is talking about a place.

Example: Don't go there.


Your - Possessive.

Example: Your cat has better grammar than you.

You're - You are. (Much like they're).

Example: You're getting better, but you're not quite there yet.


To - Transitional action word. (See example)

Example: I'm going to fix all the grammar.

Too - Expressing nonspecific quantities and qualities.

Example: You have too many cats, I would advise downsizing.

Two- 2.

Example: There are two things that do not belong.

Commonly used compound words: 'S-'RE-'D-'VE

's - Is/was/has (Also used in possession: The cat's food wasn't very good.)

Example: Grammar's the best thing since sliced bread.

Wrong way: There was blood on the rock's.

're - are/were.

Example: It's especially important you're here.

'd - Had/would.

Example: He'd have done that.

' ve - Have

Example: We should've done something.


Week- As in the seven(7) day span.

Example: It had only been a week since I last took a course in grammar.

Weak- Opposite of strong.

Example: I was weak at the knees, but only because I'd been poisoned.


Then - As in eluding to the next thing.

Example: Then they fell out of heaven for sucking at grammar.

Than - As in a comparison.

Example: She was better at spelling than grammar.


Heel -The part of your foot near your ankle. Think about it.

Example: His heel came down on the spider sending pain through his foot.

Heal - To make healthy again.

Example: The doctors waited for the magic to heal her broken femoral bone.


Lose - The opposite of win.

Example: You lose, your grammar was incorrect.

Loose - The opposite of tight.

Example: The noose around his neck was too loose and he slipped out.

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