| Chapter 6 | Pineapple Head

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| Picture of Jun Ashira |

I can't help but pant for air as I finally escape the grasps of the near death experience. 

When the bell rang, I didn't hesitate to run out of the door as Mr Temuri began heading my way. Knowing I have escaped from the treacherous hug, I didn't even give a second glance to all the looks that were given to me when I ran. 

At the front door of my next class, I am finally able to breathe normally again before I fix my appearance. Starting at the door in front of me, I know for sure that this class will be the hardest.


From my research, at least 70% fail the class due to the harsh brain torture it gives and I for one am not looking forward to it. Sighing, I reach for the door knob before turning it and heading inside. What shocks me to to stop my movement is the picture in front of me as I can't help but want to close the door. All the students inside have swirly glasses that makes me question if I am in the right room.

What is happening here...

I hear a chuckle behind me, "I was the same when I walked in this class too."

Looking behind me, I had to look up to find a tall broad male looking down at me with the same glasses I saw. He has ruffled messy blond hair as what catches my attention the most is his gold earring on his left ear his the rings. He's just...so different from the other students here.

Realizing I'm staring at him, he gasps, "Oh, sorry."

He takes the glasses off allowing me to see him pomegranate red eyes that causes me to be enticed at the rare color.

"These glasses have to be worn by students in the Leader Class when attending lessons. You should have received yours during your first class." he explains as my only thought is really not wanting to wear the glasses.

"She isn't in the Leader Class, so she is excused from wearing the glasses." a low masculine voice speaks as relief flushes over me.

Behind the charming student, I start to wonder if anyone in the school are in a relationship cause damn their looks are gonna make people cry. Usually I don't get distracted with looks, but so far there are a lot of good looking guys. Especially with the teacher standing in front of me. 

Lean and has defined muscles that show his obvious strength despite trying to look nerdy with the glasses. But with his appearance, it's hard not to notice his flaming magenta pink hair and gold yellow eyes. I'm pretty sure his waist is smaller than mine...which I can't tell if it's healthy or unhealthy. 

"What do you mean, Mr Williams?" The blond hair student asks.

"It has not been decided which 'Class' she'll be part of, so in solution she'll be attending all the major classes of each 'Class' until it's decided. Class is starting now, go take your seat. And you," the teacher looks at me, "introduce yourself."

Quite demanding isn't he...

Walking to the front of the class, I take a simple bow, "My name is Shun Isamu, I hope we can all get along."

After my short introduction, I glance over to Mr Williams who simple nods before signalling me to sit down. Looking around the classroom, it's obvious some are already in groups. My eyes fall on the blond boy who I met a few seconds ago as he smiles at me. With an empty seat beside him, I head over there before taking a seat.

Looking over to my seatmate, he smiles before offering his hand, "I'm Jun Ashira. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." I smile shaking his hand. 

Before class can start, a huge uproar happens as the wall between the classroom and hallway breaks down. The impact is by a body which lays on the other side of the wall on top of crumbled debris. 

"Que?" I gasp realizing I know the body's owner.

Blood is seeping out of his mouth and the only reaction received are sighs from the classroom. I'm still in complete shock as I try to look for the source of the hit but can't find any.

"I see that he's finally back." Jun sighs.

"Who?" I ask.

"The Top 1 Freshmen Student in the Offence Class. He's really...aggressive." Jun tries to explain.

Breaking out of my shock, I head towards Que before kneeling beside him and taking a handkerchief and wiping the blood away, "You alright?"

"Yeah, just killed my ego though." he sighs before clicking his tongue, "Damn, just when I finally thought I got him, he had to smash me through the walls. What's his problem?"

My eyes look towards the damage to find walls broken and a hint of excitement fills me as I know I can hid it with expression but not by my eyes. Que notices this as he smirks and nods to the opponent's direction.

"Go, fight him."

I can't help but chuckle, "You usually don't tell someone to fight, especially when it's in school."

"Just go will you?" he groans feeling the pain.

"No way, I am not getting into a fight on my first day." I reject continuing to wipe his blood away.

"Then there's only one thing to do." he gives me a mischievous smile as I narrow my eyes.

"What are you going to do?"

He takes a deep breathe before shouting, "Wow, that did no hurt at all! Have you weakened, you Pineapple-Head?"


Everyone looks at Que in complete shock wondering if he's an idiot. Before I can ask him what he meant, the wall breaks down even more revealing a figure. 

From everyone I've seen so far, he seems the strongest especially with his uncaring appearance that shows his muscles. His curly medium length caramel brown hair fades into a lighter color as it's tied into a ponytail. Caramel brown eyes glare at the boy beside me as he enters the room. 

I force my smile down as excitement fills me as the urge to fight calls. He looks like he might actually bring a challenge. 

"Now I know why you call him 'Pineapple-Head'." I mumble getting Que to snicker.

With the incoming student heading our way with his focus on Que, he realizes my presence getting his frown to deepen.

"What is a girl doing here?" he asks nearly to a growl.

Calmly, I don't snap back at him like people hoped I would.

Instead, I smirk, "What is a human rotting pineapple doing here?"

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