As Long As it's With You

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Hi there! I'm sorry I've been gone for so long! The truth is that I've been buried under schoolwork, but -at last- vacations are coming and I will hopefully have more time to update.

This is just senseless fluff that came to my mind because these two dorks are just too cute. It is senseless but it is also happy so, pleas ebe my guest and enjoy it! ;)

As Long As it's With You

"I'm home" Alec muttered weakly as he closed the front door of the apartment he shared with Magnus.

It was almost one in the morning, and he didn't expect Magnus to be up and waiting for him to get back from his late-night mission, but it was still comforting to listen to his own voice after all that he'd that been able to hear for the last hours were agony screams.

As he got rid of his coat and hung it from the clothes rack carefully ―like Magnus had instructed him to do―, Alec was surprised to see a dim light that shone through the living room and into the entrance hall.

Hiding a discomforted groan and almost tripping once or twice with forgotten items scattered around the floor, Alec limped to the siting room.

When he finally reached the lit circle he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as he realized Magnus was sitting on the dark-brown couch of the room, absently scratching Chairman Meow behind its ears, the yellowish eyes of the warlock focused on the entrance of the chamber.

Just as the shadowhunter stepped into the room, Magnus' pupils widened in surprise.

"Alec" he murmured, gesturing to stand up; the cat instantly jumped from Magnus' lap and disappeared into the shadows.

"Stay sitting" Alec whispered through his gritted teeth as he, too, reached for the couch.

Raising a worried eyebrow, Magnus patiently waited for Alec to sit next to him and then wrapped his arms around the shadowhunter's lean figure, bringing Alec to him just so he could rest his face on the warlock's board chest.

"Hard night?" Magnus asked as he ever so slightly brushed his lips against Alec's forehead.

"Hm" the boy nodded slowly. "A group of Moloch demons, a vampire and a crazy werewolf" he listed, feeling Magnus stiffen as he spoke.

Taking in a ragged breath, Alec finally allowed himself to relax, knowing he was sheltered with the warlock's arms securing him gently. He was safe, he was home. Magnus was there, and nothing bad could happen now, even if he could still feel a wound on the right side of his abdomen bleed, even as every single muscle in his body ―yes, the ones that he didn't know he had too― hurt and even when each time he tried to breathe he could feel a paralyzing pain cross his chest. He knew Magnus was there, by his side, and if Magnus was there, then it meant he was safe. It was that easy.

Alec reminded himself that no matter how tired he was or how comfortable Magnus' chest felt, the warlock wouldn't like to have his perfectly bright pink pajama stained with blood, so, grimacing, he applied pressure on his right arm to turn himself around and give Magnus his back.

Noticing the blood Alec was trying to cover with his left hand, Magnus directed his own hand to the tear-up t-shirt and raised it, pushing Alec aside and ignoring the boy's complaints in the process. When the shadowhunter finally realized there was no use in trying to hide his injury anymore or even in aiming to reach out for his stele, Alec sighed in surrender.

Slowly, Alec felt Magnus' fingertips trace over the abused skin, murmuring something too fast for him to understand. Just when the last word left the warlock's lips, Alec felt the blood dry turn on his wound and form a scab; mere seconds later, Alec stopped feeling the dried liquid on his skin, the pain suddenly nonexistent, replaced by a distant soreness.

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