Selfish Wishes

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She strained to flap her wings, her breathing became labored as she lifted her huge body into the air. She sped off towards the south, Keira was losing altitude from exhaustion as they came close to the village. She returned to her human for before she could land and fell to the hard earth.

Keira slowly picked herself up off the ground as the villagers came out of their huts, she held her right arm gingerly. Everyone else had been thrown farther into the village. Keira groaned as she stood up, she looked around and saw Thomas being helped, his arm had a deep laceration on it that pumped out blood.

Erza and Natsu were being helped by Natsu's parents who only had a few scratches on them. It warmed Keira's heart to see Natsu's parents again but it also brought back years of regret. They had been revived when Keira killed Zeref with her special rapier, taking and storing his life force and magic energy then transferring it into their bodies that were revitalized after being revived.

Along with them was Kagura from Mermaid Heel. Keira stumbled around the villagers into her hut on the outskirts of the center of the small community. She laid her swords down and painfully sat down on her cot, facing away from the opening that led outside.

As twilight covered the village and the soft glow of fire illuminated the dark earth Keira heard soft footsteps approach her from behind.

"K-Keira?" Natsu's weary and uncertain voice filled the silent void. Keira stood, biting back another groan of pain, and turned around, the fire in her hut casting dark shadows on half of her face. Natsu and Erza stood in front of her, their bodies bruised and malnourished, their eyes were shining with hidden tears. Keira smiled softly, unsure of what to say. Erza wrapped her arms around the former guardian and Natsu joined her. It had been over ten years since they had seen or heard from Keira.

Keira winced as Natsu's rough arm scraped over her shoulder blade, he pulled away quickly his eyes concerned. Keira let out a long sigh as she unclipped her black coat and slid it off of her body. She wore a strapless tank top and revealed her back, which was heavily scarred, and her right shoulder which looked dreadful.

Stuck in her bone was the blade of a knife and the flesh around it was black, infected, and dead. Natsu stared at the wound with his eyes wide in horror, he heard Erza gasp as she quickly covered her mouth.

"It's still stuck there from him" she murmured.

"From, Zeref?" Natsu whispered as though saying his name would reincarnate the black wizard.

"I couldn't get the blade out because the hilt broke off during the battle." Erza reached foreword to touch it but Keira pulled away, "please don't."

"That can't stay inside of you, it will only get worse" Erza argued, Keira turned around walking towards the darkness of outside,

"doesn't matter anymore, I'm done fighting. That truly was the last battle." Outside the moon was close to full and bathed the hillside in a beautiful pure light. Keira walked towards the grassy valley, her pale skin glowing in the moonlight. She heard pounding footsteps behind her,

"What did you say?" Natsu's harsh voice broke the peacefulness of the nature.

"I'm done fighting, I won't do it anymore." Keira turned to see Natsu close to her with Erza a little ways behind him and Kagura at the top of the hill.

"B-but why?" Natsu asked, his voice growing louder,

"Why does there need to be a reason?! Can I not make my own decisions?" Keira asked growing angry with Natsu. She whipped around and stormed off away from them.

"No! You can't!" He yelled at her, Keira growled and spun around, sending out shadows that clasped around Natsu's throat.

"Do not test me, Natsu Dragneel, do you think that you know what I've been through? What I've seen? What I've done? You dare tell me what I can and cannot do? You have no authority over me! So why don't you and everyone else just leave!" Keira screamed at all three of them. She released Natsu from her grip who sunk to the ground, gasping in air.

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