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"K-Keira, where are we going?" Erza asked as she and the rest of the group followed her through the busy streets of the Capitol.

"The Palace, the King has control over the army, and he has forgot to kill one Guardian." Keira said picking up the pace. They snuck through the gardens and into the monolith.

"No where?" Kagura asked looking around. Keira closed her eyes and listened, she heard a commotion down the hall.

"This way!" Keira called as she raced down the hall, the others following close behind her. She turned the corner and almost ran into an energy shield.  Behind it was Sting, Rogue, Mirajane, Gray, Gajeel, Juvia, Lyon, and Cheria.

"Look! Its Keira!" They exclaimed, behind them Keira caught a glimpse of her rapier. Everyone crowded around each other, Natsu swung a punch at the shield but it didn't make a scratch.

"Well how are we going to get them out of here?" Erza asked, the sound of beating footsteps made all of them freeze.

"Guards" Martin whispered. Keira looked at Natsu,

"We don't have time for this."  She growled. Curling her hand into a fist her and Natsu punched the shield in sync, pushing further into the magic. Their Dragon Slayer Magic slowly breaking down the shield from the outside. On the inside Rogue and Gajeel joined with their own attacks.

Keira could hear the guards closing in, she pushed harder on the barrier, her heart racing with fear. They may have trained for months but the army somehow had the power to kill a Guardian with one attack. All four dragon slayers were pushing as hard as they can but the shield still didn't budge.

"Come on!" Keira yelled, her body giving off radiating pulses of magic energy. The guards rounded the corner and open fired. Keira and the others were thrown back by the barrier. Opening her palm a white beam of magic hit the barrier and caused it to fail.

As the magic dissipated, the wizards rushed out and engaged the enemy. Keira ran in and pulled her rapier out. The guards were already incapacitated.

"That seemed...Too easy" Gray murmured. Keira agreed but there was no time for that now,

"Where are the others?" She asked.

"Underground, the sewers" Sting rumbled,

"Then lets go save them!" Juvia said, her eyes glinting with excitement. The large group of wizards raced outside and searched the grounds for an entrance to the sewers. On the opposite side of the grounds there was a narrow path that led away from the courtyards.

At the end was a thick, rusted, steel grate. An enchantment had been cast on it. Gray used his ice maker magic to freeze the bars so they were brittle and then Natsu punched them open.

"Nothing compared to Freed's enchantments." Mira commented. When the dust settled Keira caught the glints of hundreds of thousands of eyes in the darkness. She heard them whisper to each other, unable to decipher who broke the bars since they were back-lit. 

"Everyone, its alright, we're here to bust you out!" Natsu called to the frightened wizards. When they realized that it wasn't the army all of them came flooding out into the sunlight. So many conversations struck up and questions were flung everywhere. Many of them clamored around Keira, excitement sparking in them like lightning at the sight of the Dragon Slayer whom they hadn't seen in over ten years.

The storming of feet sounded up the trail,

"Guards! They found us!" Juvia exclaimed, there was no other way out than the one they had come in at. Keira looked at everyone,

"The only way out is to fight" Keira explained, a deep voice rumbled behind her ear,

"It might have been a while since any of us have used magic but I'm sure we'll be fine." Keira glanced over to see Gildarts grinning, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

"They've escaped! Call backup!" Keira turned to see a whole platoon of army men racing towards the wizards. Gripping her sword firmly Keira and the other wizards rushed into battle as more guards flooded down the path like a raging torrent.

Keira fell into step with Gildarts beside her, he was very rusty but still held his own. A terrified scream pierced Keira's ears that made her and everyone else freeze in their tracks. She turned around to see a guard holding a little by her bright, fiery, ginger hair.

"Allison" Natsu whispered desperately. Keira's heard pounded in her chest as she met the guard's eyes.

"Take one more step and she's dead!" He yelled, no one dared take a breath. The guards bared their teeth in joy while the wizards were petrified. Would he really kill an innocent girl? Keira's mind raced to find a plan but if made one move then he would slit open her small throat. xs

Then an idea popped into her head,

"Alright, but I don't need to move to kill you." She smirked. Opening her palm behind her back her shadowy Guardians magic curling itself around the guard's body, squeezing the life out of his body. His expression changed from triumph to fear in a split second.

Keira released her grip when he let Allison go but she was far from finished. She grabbed the tip of her sword and threw it straight into his chest. Rushing foreword she pulled out her sword as he fell to his knee's gasping for air.

"Touch my daughter again and I'll beat you within an inch of your life!" She snarled at him but the other guards sprang into action, the battle resuming between wizard and soldier.

"It's just like last time! There's just too many of them!" Kagura called through the fray but Keira showed no sign of panic. She thrust half of her sword into the ground. The engravings in it glowed a brilliant white and from it over 1,000 silver, starry figures manifested, forming lines of defense between the two sides.

Keira's heart wrenched as she saw her mother, brother, and father alongside the other 125 people she murdered before she joined Fairy Tail and everyone she killed during the Great Battle. Leaving the sword in the ground she commanded the figures to fight the soldiers.

"How are you doing this?!" Erza exclaimed, amazed at the sight in front of her. Keira shrugged,

"I read it in a book." As the starry figures collided in battle Keira ran away from the fight and towards the King's Palace. Gildarts joined Keira as they busted through the door and ran up the stairs into the King's private room. Inside was the King and a mysterious man in a cloak.

The mysterious man's expression was dark and crazed. Keira narrowed her eyes and her muscles tensed,

"Well, well, well look what we have here, two washed up wizards." Growled the man who gritted his teeth in a menacing smile. Keira stood in fear as she realized who it was. Her eyes switched to the King,

"Your soldiers didn't kill any of the Guardians did they? He did, didn't he?" Keira felt Gildarts tense next to her as he caught on. The King shook his head, Keira returned her gaze to the man, who jeered at Keira,

"Come on, don't deny it to yourself, say my name." Keira swallowed hard and said his name,


Shadows Return: Sequel to The Unbroken SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now