"What is your biggest fear? Tell me or I'll hit you with a bat with spikes on it."
Sollux: don't worry, that won't be nece22ary. ii wa2 goiing two tell you anyway2.
Sollux: my greate2t fear would probably be...
Sollux: well...
Sollux: iif ii had two do everythiing all over agaiin.
Sollux: have you ever got the feeliing, liike, everythiing you know ii2 really an iillu2iion, and you're liike, dreamiing iit all or 2ome chee2y 2hiit liike that?
Sollux: ii couldn't do that. ii couldn't...
Sollux: ii know iit'2 not liikely, but, ii ju2t thiink about iit 2ometiime2, when ii thiink about AA...
Ask Sollux
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