castle (I)

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michael's thoughts
voices in mikey's head

michael was bored out of his mind, counting all the cracks, spots, and lumps, while his parents threw horrid words at each other.

home, sweet home.

he blasted justin bieber through his expensive earphones, resting his hands on his knitted maroon sweater. he was tired of his parents fighting. he just wanted their attention. he started picking at his $150 manicure before his mum came in ripping the headphones of his head.

"michael did you hear me?!" no

"what mum?" he rolled his eyes and picked at his nails again.

"i told you to go pick up some milk at the convience store." she said, tossing him a $500 bill. michael got up rolling his eyes again before putting on his boots and leaving.

on the walk there, michael kept peering over his shoulder, feeling some watch his every move. he went in the store grabbing some candy, soda, and milk. he grabbed a magazine with ariana grande on the cover, then placed on the counter. he suddenly heard a chuckle.

he looked at the boy in the hideous orange shirt with the store logo sewn on it. he was staring directly in michael's eyes, ocean blue meeting dull green. his blonde hair was tucked into a snap back the collar of the shirt not hiding his tattoed neck. the boy had several piercings and tattoos that littered the skin near his fingers.

"hey there red." the boys voice was softer than the silk sheets his mother had bought from asia.

"hi."  michael mumbled. the boy captivated his attention, thoughts, and words as he rung up the items.

"what's with the magazine? gon' jerk off to her face?" michael's cheeken fill with color at the boy's choice of words.

"no. im gay." he says, mentally face palming himself when he realized he just outed himself to a boy he clearly doesn't know.

"thats okay mate. me too. thats $23.57." he said lighting up a cigarrete. michael raised his eyebrow at this.

"are you allowed to smoke in here?"

"usually depends in what im smoking. but the boss is all good with me smoking a 'rette here, sweetcheeks." michael blushes at the nickname, silently cussing at his lack of ability to resist blushing. he hands the bill and tells him to keep the change. his eyes widen.

"ya sure, sweetcheeks? thats almost $470 worth of change."

"yeah, im sure."

"thats- wow.  I can't thank you enough. if you need anything, anything at all,"  he starts to write on the receipt. "just call me." he handed mike the paper that stated :

luke hemmings ;)

michael blushes at the winky face.

"thanks luke." he smiled and left the shop.

as michael walked home, all he could think of was luke and what he was doing at the moment.

stop thinking about that boy. he is nothing but trouble mikey .

'but he seems too sweet to hurt anyone'

thats only in the beginning mikey.

so that was the first chapter did you guys like it? if you did, press the star on the left! let me know about what you think is gonna happen next by commenting on the box below! vote, comment, and follow!
(i totally nailed that youtube version of an authors note)

dan :-)

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