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"Tyler, you're loser boyfriend is here," my sister shouted from downstairs, her low voice droning over my soft music.

"If I have a boyfriend, have him strip for me, then send him up," I humored back at my sister, being as loud as I possibly could. I smirked at my own joke, proud that I thought of something near her level.

I was too busy being satisfied with myself that I didn't hear the heavy pounding of feet reach my door.

"So, you want me naked?" Stiles teased, dancing over in a goofy sway that had me bursting with laughter.

Boy, you have no idea.

"I thought it was Scott coming all this way for me, but since you're here..." I teased, wrapping my arms around his neck with a playful smirk, despite the pounding in my heart.

My delightful older sister decided that she would make an entrance in my room before Stiles had a chance to back away from our stance. "We keep condoms in the bathroom."

I ripped myself away from my best friend, rushing over to my bed to grab a throw pillow, and beamed it in the doorway's direction. She cackled and left into her room, leaving me with pink tinted cheeks.

"So, what did my knight in shining armor come all this way for?" I finally spoke up, walking over to pick up the pillow to hide my flushed face. I was just now realizing how close our faces were. How bad my breath might've smelled.

He then hopped to his feet and explained how a dead body was found in the woods. When asked why we would even consider frolicking in the preserve in the drizzle to a crime scene, I was informed that only half the body was found.

"You told me this so we could go, right?" I was internally begging that my hypothesis was true.

"No, I told you this so I had an excuse to come be ridiculed by your sister," he answered sarcastically, making a smile form on my lips.

I turn around to snag my hoodie to cover my Batman pajama tank top and drag him down the stairs. I slipped on my fake UGGs before leaving, hopping in the shotgun with a giddy grin.


I didn't think the rain was that bad, in fact, it was even starting to lighten up. I bit my lip as I hopped over a wet pile of leaves, trying to not ruin my booties.

Currently, both boys were talking about lacrosse. Scott had his head in the clouds, talking about how he was going to make first line, that is, when he could talk- he kept puffing his inhaler between few words.

The air was a killer; it clung to your throat and watched you choke. Scott does look pretty good in blue...

"Oh, shit! Oh, shit!" Stiles repeated, now in a panicked whisper as he pulled both of his best friends by our elbows.

"What the fuck, Stili-"

My mouth was clamped. He put his dirty, sweaty, wet hand on my mouth. I glared at him- if he wants to put his hands on me, fine, but they should at least be a bit lower than my mouth.

He let go, noticing the look I was giving him. He took my hand, as he searched behind me with an intense dart of the eyes. I followed his gaze, seeing the swarm of flashlights and harsh barking.

Friendzoned || Stiles StilinksiWhere stories live. Discover now