The Day Ahead

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I got up along with the other girls. We grabbed our stuff and went to the bathroom to do our hygiene routine. I changed into a cute light brown sundress with a tan belt and light brown stilletos. My hair was straight so I decided to curl it and apply a little bit of eyeshadow and mascara.  As I walked out the bathroom Mackenzie grabbed my arm and led me into a room that seemed to be a library. "Are you mates with Blaine", she asked my angrily. "Yes", I say with tears falling down my face. "But he doesn't want me... He wants someone like you. The Alpha's daughter.", I state this sobbing so hard I can barely see my surroundings. Mackenzie smiles "Ofcourse he would want me. I am amazing, beautiful, strong, and 150 times better then you ever will be. Just remember that kay." She walks out laughing. I clean myself up and try to get the courage to walk out the door.

Mackenzie's POV

As I walk outside the library and get face to face with Blaine. He looks at me confused. I put my arm on his chest and rub lightly."Hey Blaine! So, I heard that you found your mate... but, you want me." He looks at me and smiles "Who wouldn't want you", he asks with a smirk on his face and his eyebrow lifted. He grabs my hand and takes me to what I assume is my room. We go inside and when I see it I can not believe that it is that junky! He locks the door and.....

Elena's POV

I walk to the kitchen to find everyone gone. They probably went for a run. I make a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich. Jake comes into the kitchen. "Where is everyone", he asks curiously. "I'm not sure. Probably on a run", I shrug my shoulders. Jake comes over and takes half of my sandwhich. I look at him like WTH?! He laughs and says,"It's not like you were gonna eat it all!" The nerve of that boy. I try to be mad but I start to smile and laugh. That's when I feel it. There's pain in my stomach. My wolf starts to go crazy inside my head. I start whimpering. Jake asks me concerned,"What's wrong?" I force out,"Pains in my stomach they are really bad" Jake looks at me concerned and then flashes to anger. He picks me up and holds me for awhile. He lets go and says,"You know what I will be right back." He gets up and leaves. I hold my stomach crying.

Jake's POV

I knew that Blaine didn't want to be with her because she wasn't an Alpha but to go this far? She is beautiful. I don't understand how he could treat her that way. If she was my mate... I run up stairs to Blaine's room and smash the door open to see Jake on top of Mackenzie naked. I yell, "WTF man. Why would you do this to her?" We start yelling and screaming at each other.

Elena's POV

I start hearing screams and shouting so I get up and go to it. I find Mackenzie in bed naked while Jake and Blaine are arguing. As soon as Jake sees me he goes to hug me. I start shaking and stare at Blaine. "Why would you do this to me. You know and I know that we are meant to be. You feel something." He looks at me coldly and says, "I don't take dirty seconds." I walk out numb and confused. I keep wondering Why me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2013 ⏰

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