Chapter 1

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Today was September 5, 2013 or to young people FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL OR HELL. Today they would all become freshman at their new school where there father worked. Their father was there home room teacher and ride to school.

"Yes, where high scholars!" Mike yelled while he coming down the stairs from his room, with his skate board in his hand. He was wearing his orange hippy shirt and his green jeans that matched his skin color.

"I still can't believe you made it this far Mikey, no offence" Donnie told him. Donnie was eating at the round table while he was tinkering with his gadget. He was wearing a purple button up shirt and his khakis.

"It's alright Donny-boy I didn't think I would be in high school with you guys anyway," Mikey told him and sat down and drank from Donnie's cup. He took a sip and spit it at him "What the heck is in that?"

"Coffee Mikey" Donnie said simply and took the cup out of his hand. "You know I drink coffee in the morning."

"Hurry up Leo with those eggs I'm starving here" Raph hollered at Leo who was cooking eggs for Raph, his father and himself. Raph was wearing his red polo shirt and his leather jacket and black jeans.

"I am Raph the oven top isn't heating up as fast as we want okay!" Leo hollered at Raph back. Leo was wearing his football shirt with Hamato on the back, he also had his sport jacket on him so then he looked like a jock.

"Okay fine, I'll weight here then" Raph told Leo and started pouring a cup of tea and four cups of milk for everyone else why he waited for the eggs.

Venus came down the stairs twirling her drum sticks in her hand. She was in a purple and black dress, with her blond hair with blue streaks was down like it always was. "Moring boys," She walked passed her father and pecked him on the cheek "morning daddy". Venus went into the kitchen and grabbed her food.

Everyone came to sit down at the table with their food and drink. They all started eating when they notice this was the first time in months they all have been in the same room without fight with each other.

Splinter sat down at the table last to have breakfast. His tea and eggs were on his place mat nice and hot. "Good morning Venus de Milo, Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo and Raphael," Each of them nodded when they heard there name and said the same when they finished what was in there mouth.

"I have your secludes for school children" He passed them out to each of them to how they belong to. "You all share the same first and homeroom all together, you see and have classes with each other once or twice after that."

Leonardo David Hamato's Classes:

Mr. Hamato-Home room

Slandered Science-Mr. Leather Head

Standard Math- Mr. Honey Cut

Study hall/Lunch

Standard History- Mr. Bishop

Standard English- Mr. Murikami San

Gym- Mr. Hamato


Donatello Richard Hamato's Classes

Mr. Hamato-Home room

Standard Science-Mr. Leather Head

Honor Biography - Mr. Leather Head

Honor English- Mr. Murikami San

Study Hall/Lunch

Honor Math-Mr. Honey Cut

Standard History- Mr. Bishop

Science Club

Raphael Tristan Hamato's Classes

Mr. Hamato-Home room

Standard Science-Mr. Leather Head

Standard Math- Mr. Honey Cut

Standard History- Mr. Bishop

Study Hall/ Lunch

Gym- Mr. Hamato

Standard English- Mr. Murikami


Michelangelo Andrew Hamato's Classes

Mr. Hamato-Home room

Standard Science-Mr. Leather Head

Art- Mrs. Angle

Standard English- Mr. Murikami

Study hall/ Lunch

Standard Math- Mr. Honey Cut

Standard History- Mr. Bishop

Comic club

Venus de Milo Mei Pei Chi Hamato's Classes

Mr. Hamato-Home room

Standard Science-Mr. Leather Head

Standard History- Mr. Bishop

Band- Mr. Octavo

Study Hall/ Lunch

Standard English

Honor Math

Music Club

After they all looked at their schedules Donnie started panicking. "I'm not in honor English or history!" he exclaimed as loud as he could. "I'm an honor in every other class why not theses to!"

"Donnie stops trying to show us up," Raph told him. "You know I don't have anything honor same with Mikey, Leo and Venus."

"Ya!" Leo and Mikey said in unison. They all looked at Venus who hadn't said anything about the matter.

"I have honor math my whole life is ruin." Venus fell back in her chair.

"How did you get in honor math Venus you hate it." Donnie asked her and grabbed the paper from her. "It's not a miss print it's on there and it has your full name not someone else's. Welcome to the geek club Venus," Donnie said teasing her. The others started laughing at his smart remark.

"It's not funny my whole life is on me being standard not honor. My music career is gone forever and always because I'm now part of a group." She slammed her head on the table.

"What's so bad about being in a group Venus?" Mikey asked her when he put up his dish.

"I don't wanna be a somebody I wanna be an outcast." Venus told him. She got up and put her dishes and her father's in the sink and ran upstairs to get her stuff.

"We are to be out the doors in five minutes so hurry up so then we can go!" Splinter yelled to his children. He went in his room to get his bag and headed out to the car and waited for them to come out.

As always Leo came out first with his blue backpack and got in the back seat of the van. Then came out Donnie, with his 7'inch purple binder in his hands with his purple bag on his back he got in the back next to Leo. Next Mikey came out with his orange backpack on his back and his board riding it down the drive way to the van; he knew to get in the first row in the van. Raph came out with his dark red bag and got in shot gun. Venus came out with her black bag, iPod, and head phones, she locked up and got in the van next to Mikey.

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