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(Arthur's POV)

"Merlin!" I yelled.

He came running into my chambers, panting like a dog. He had sweat beading on his forehead and a tint of red in his cheeks. "Yes sire. I'm here." He said in-between breaths.

"You're late." I raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry, I was uh...Gaius had me...getting some herbs..." He explained.

"Stop with the excuses and help me with my armor. I have a training session in half an hour and I can't have you slacking." I demanded. I knew I was being a little too tough on him. I hated being cruel to him.

"Yes, my lord." He quickly grabbed my chain mail and pulled it down over my head. His hands were careful as they adjusted it. He then gently placed my armor overtop and fastened the metal onto my arm and shoulder. His hands moved quickly, never making a mistake. I admired his hard work.

"There, all set." He said.

I cleared my throat. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Um, I don't think so. I have the chain mail, the armor, the helmet..." He began.

"My sword Merlin!" I yelled.

"Oh! Right!" He scrambled to find the blade and handed it to me. "Sorry."

"Honestly, sometimes you are the worst servant in the world." I said without thinking. I immediately regretted it when I saw the hurt look in his eyes. I tried not to show any remorse.

"Honestly, you are the biggest ass in the world." He mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just have fun with training." He gave me a half smile and left me alone in my chambers.

I threw my sword on the table. Why couldn't I say one nice word to the guy! Anger overwhelmed me. Why did I hide my feelings with a cruel tongue? I kicked myself for being so mean to him.

One day, he will know, I thought.

For now, I had a training session to attend to.

(Merlin's POV)

"God he's such as ass!" I said as I ranted to Gaius.

"He's the prince, Merlin. He's allowed to be." He said.

"I know, but he could ease up a bit. I am working hard to keep his royal highness satisfied. A thank you would be nice." I replied.

"I suppose it would be, but don't dwell on it. You know Arthur means well."

"Sometimes I don't know if that's true." I sighed.

I walked to my room, relieved I was done with the day's chores. Polishing armor, cleaning clothes, and scrubbing boots wasn't so bad, but mucking out those stables. I hated it. It's so hard to be Arthur's servant when he's driving me mad.

Just keep pushing Merlin, I thought, trying to find something positive. He was my friend, after all and I knew he knew that. I just wished he would treat me more like his friend than his servant sometimes.

Or maybe more than his friend...

I shook my head. I knew that would never be. He was a prince and I his servant. I certainly couldn't tell him of my feelings, he'd laugh in my face or reject me. Tears swelled in my eyes at the thought. I pushed the thought aside and took a soothing nap until I heard Gaius calling my name for dinner.

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