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*Deans POV*

We are standing in the room again, back at the safe house. Sam and I lay Mark down on the couch. His face is scrunched up in pain and his hand is on his shoulder. I take off my jacket and bundle it up, holding it to Marks mouth. He bites it. I rip open his shirt. Sam grabs the FirstAid Kit and hands it to me. I open it and grab out the tweezers.

"Mark this is going to hurt." I say, theres no way to tell him other than that. He nods quickly. I move his hand to reveal the bullet wound, its not as bad as some of the ones I've seen. I look at it, the bullets deep. I stick the tweezers in the wound and Mark yells again, this time it is muffled by the jacket. I reach around it and pull it, I look at Mark, tears are streaming down his cheeks, I hate doing this, even to Sammy. I yank out the small bullet and drop it on the table.

"I really wish your healing mojo worked." I say to Cas. He shrugs and Sam hands me the needle and thread. I poke thread it and begin stitching up Marks shoulder. He groans and I continue, the needle pulling at the skin as I do so. Mark pales and stops making any noise.

"Hey." I hear Sam say. I finish off the wound and grab out a bandage. I bandage it up, nice and tight. I rip off his shirt completely, and cover him in my jacket. Sam looks at me.

"Too much for him?" I ask. Sam nods. I sigh and stand. "I'm going to bed, we'll figure something out in the morning." I walk through to one of the two bedrooms and collapse onto the bed.

Someone tries to open the door. "I told you no one leaves!" I yell, the gun is raised again.

Bang. A man, maybe around 50. Click.

Bang. A girl, barely 15. Click.

Bang. A man around my age. Click.

Bang. A woman around 40. Click.

Bang. Another man, around 40 also. Click.

Bang. Click. Bang. Click. Bang. Over and over.

The shots ring out and my vision fades. I hear a voice in my head whisper to me.

'You liked that, didn't you Sean.' It says.


I wake up slowly, figuring out quickly I am half naked, and half exposed. I moan in pain, my shoulder hurts so badly. I finally open my eyes and see Castiel standing on the other side of the room, looking at me. I sit up, groaning, I need to get used to this.

"Good morning Mark." He says.

"Good morning Castiel." I say, rubbing my eyes. He looks at a door behind me, I turn around. Dean is standing there. He throws me a shirt and a plaid overshirt.

"Put those on." He says, I nod and stand. I look at my shoulder.

"Do you want, assistance?" Castiel asks.

"Uh, yeah, thanks." I say. Castiel comes over and helps me with my shirt. It hurts, as I have to move my arm to pull it on. He then picks up the plaid. He puts it over my sore arm first, then my other, both the shirts are a bit big. Once it is on he looks me in the eyes, his hand lingering on mine before he turns to Dean.

"What are we going to do about this demon?" He asks Dean. "He has left, no survivors."

"Can Jack see, what the demon is doing?" I ask, gaining strength around this subject.

"Only if the demon wills him to." Dean says. I sigh, god I hope he can't.

"Dean. We need a plan." Cas says.

"Well at the moment we dont have one." He says, leaning against the door frame. I look between them and hold my arm.

"You guys know what you're doing so." I say. Dean looks at Castiel, who looks at me.

"We don't have a plan." Cas says. I stare at him.

"You have to have a plan. Something? Anything?" I demand. Cas's gaze drops and he shakes his head. I sit back on the couch and sigh. More shuffling is heard as Sam makes his way to the door.

"Morning Sammy." Dean smiles. He looks to me. "Mark wanna come with me to get food?" He asks. I look over.

"I guess so." I say, standing once again.

"Wait." Sam disappears into his room and comes back with a sling. "Use this." He says, throwing it to me. I try to catch it but drop it. Cas picks it up and help my put it on.

"Come on." Dean says, I follow him out to the Impala and climb in the front next to him. He starts up the engine and turns around, driving off. "Tell me about this guy, the one possessed by the demon." He says. I sigh.

"His name is Sean McLoughlin, but me and heaps of other people call him Jack." I say. "He's a YouTuber."

"YouTuber?" Dean repeats.

"He records himself playing a game and posts it to the internet, I can show you when we get back. Well I do the same, we met through that." I explain.

"How long have you known him?"

"About, 2 years."

"Where does he live?" I pause.

"Ireland." Dean looks at me quickly.

"What was he doing here then?"

"He came to a convention." I say. "Which means we have 3 days before people start to worry." I say. Dean looks at me again. "He could come back to LA with me and my mates." He nods and the car drops into silence once again.

"Are you scared of us?" Dean asks. I look at him.

"A bit yeah. Especially since you have a full ammunition in the back." He laughs at that. "How did you get into this stuff anyway?" I ask him.

"My dad, who got into it after my mom died." He says.

"Wheres your dad now?" I ask, he bits his lip and stays silent. "I-I'm sorry. I bet he is proud of you though, I'm sure my dad is." I smile.

"You lost your dad too?" He asks. I nod.

"Now its just me, my mom and my stepmom." I smile. I look out the window, waiting to get to the shop.

We All Have Our Demons (jacksepticeye x markiplier x supernatural)Where stories live. Discover now