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I was not able to decide whether I should cryyyy or forget everything. Then I decided to call my advicer;my best friend 'ruby' and 'maya'. I decided to meet them the next day. I messaged them to come at Starbucks... I was in a doubt that either of them would not to be in a mood to meet each other.. because they had a conflict long time ago...

Sipping my favourite vanilla latte...just then someone said...'is it you Johanna?...' I turned back and it was my sensible and best friend 'maya'... "oh glad you came maya I said... just then someone said "don't forget me!...guys" yesss! It was ruby the other one... "Hi are you..."I said."Hi Johanna and maya"...Said ruby. We all sat down and ordered some..

Maya: what happened to you johanna?why did you called us a sudden.

Ruby:Yes.what happened to you... I left my shopping and came to you.

Maya:Ruby,can't you be a little serious.
Ruby: OK
Johanna:( told the whole story to them)
Maya : what to do now?
Johanna:I don't know.
Maya : just take those words out 0f your mind and be strong
Johanna: Thanks Maya. You are always there to help me thank you... really.. thank you...
Ruby:friends.. you know what...
Ruby:nick's birthday... after 7 days... you don't know johanna!
Johanna:Yaa..I know it's your crush 's birthday.... You all should join us on his birthday party..
Maya : On Friday... okk! can 1 more person join us.
Johanna: Is it Shawn...Maya
Maya:How do you know..joe (maya used to call me 'joe' short for of my name')...
Johanna:my princess maya .From the time you came his phone is coming continuously and ur phone is on silent mode and you have no idea... about it..

Maya,all embarrassed...and we all started laughing. ..

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