Chapter One

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I checked my phone and saw that I had 10 minutes to get ready and get my ass to work. This ALWAYS happens when I seem to have a minutes or two to sit back and watch American Horror Story, I get to far into it and end up late for work. Ugh.

I pulled myself off of my comfortable leather couch, groaning at the loss, and made my way quickly to my big bathroom. I pulled my long, dark blonde hair that I have been growing out for 6 years into a bun and ran back into my kitchen grabbing my keys. I didn't need makeup, my eye lashes have always been pretty long and I drank a lot of water, so my skin was fairly clear.

"Oh shit." I said as I looked down, noticing I had no pants on. Great. That means I have to go all the way upstairs and all the way back down. I groaned before racing up the stairs, putting on some acid wash denim shorts and grabbed my blue work shirt.

I finally reached the front door and checked myself over in the body length mirror next to it before pulling on my dark red Doc Martins and walking out, feeling the Sydney heat hitting me like an oven. I heard it was gonna get up to about 40 degrees celcius this week which isn't suprising seeing as it's the beginning of December.

I noticed a big ass moving truck next door and saw two very tall boys covered in tattoos loading stuff in the front door. Hm. I'll have to introduce myself later. I sat there staring for a second and noticed one of the two had dark brown hair and a lip peircing. He was darker than the other guy who was actually pretty pasty. Brown boy was wearing black skinny jeans with a Led Zepplin tank top and combat boots. The other guy had bright red hair, an eyebrow peircing and was wearing black skinny jeans, combat boots, and an Iron Maiden t-shirt. How they were wearing black skinny jeans and combats in this heat, I still have no clue. I noticed red boys eyes were a light green and they just showed complete innocence I swear, they were so beautiful, the colour and...

Red boy noticed me staring and cupped his hands around his mouth.

"Like what you see?" Brown boy wiggled his eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes, making my way to my car.

I finally arrived at the huge mall and stumbled into the video shop which, thank God, wasn't too far in.

"Briana, what have I said about being late? Jeez you always show up hours late, you might as well not come. I should fire you." My boss Luke said to me, jokingly. I know he was only kidding because:

A. I was only ten minutes late, I've never been later than ten minutes.

B. Luke was too good of a friend of mine and Ashton's.

"Yeah. Okay Lucas." I laughed at him and took the register as two customers began lining up.

My best friend Ashton's shift starts at 7:30am through to 12:20pm and Luke is our boss. He comes and goes as he pleases and usually comes to make sure someone is looking after the store, which of course we are. My break starts in two and a half hours at 3pm. My job is pretty chilled out, we get customers but not loads and loads like others seem to get. Only on Fridays, Saturdays and rainy days do we get packed.

Since it's usually well layed out, our breaks are for about an hour and Luke takes over. Not very interesting.

"Well well well. We meet again!" I looked up from my daydream and saw red boy standing there waving at me with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh, hi." I muttered, blushing slightly. What can I say? There's a really freaking hot guy standing in front of me.

Red boy handed me two DVD's, Anchorman and The Goonies.

"Okay, that'll be $4.50 and you have to remember to bring them back in 10 days. Got it?" I said as I handed him the bag.

"Got it." Instead of walking out of the store, red boy just stood there, watching me deal with the next two customers, smirking.

After I'd finished with the last customer I turned to him with a sweet smile on my face. "Anything you'd like sir?"

"When is your break?" He asked me, his green eyes staring into my god damn soul dooing something to my heart.

"Uhh, now actually." I answered as I checked my watch, suprised at how fast the day was going by.

"Cool. I'm gonna buy you lunch." He informed me.

"Uhh.. no you aren't."

"Uhh.. yes I am."

There was no way I was going to win this argument. I suck at these things.

"I don't even know your name, you don't know mine. How.." I trailed off as he stuck his hand out. I obliged and shook it.

"Hi, I'm Clifford. Michael Clifford. You are..?"

"Baldwin. Briana Baldwin."

jet black heart // punk Michael Clifford Where stories live. Discover now