Chapter Three

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"Hey Briana! Are you coming over?" Michael asked me over the line. I called him after I got out of the shower, it's now 6:45pm and I was so excited to watch The Goonies and have a laugh with Michael again, as much as he already was a dick.

"Yeah, I'll be over in like, ten minutes. I've just gotta freshen up, you know?" I winked even though he couldn't see me.

"Okay see you then." I could here him smirking on the other end.

I hung up and finished off my mascara and pulled on some acid washed ripped skinny jeans before brushing out my damp hair and flipped it. I checked myself in the mirror and liked what stared back at me. My floral tee made the blue in my eyes pop and I smirked before sprinting down the stairs and pulling on my penguin slippers.

I've always been an only child, my parents didn't care for children, I was purely an accident. They are rich, like really rich and they work so much, they've never had time to pay attention to their only daughter. Even when they did have time, they never would. They bought me clothes, food, makeup, hair product etc. All the essential female care. I moved out when I was 17, my parents gladly bought me a house a suburb over from theirs and I finished school at 18. I never went to university because my parents already put a certain amount of money in my bank each week, as much as I told them not to, they insisted. They bought all of my funiture and a huge five bedroom house for when my overseas friends come and stay, which they did a lot. I had the biggest room in the house obviously, it has one huge window wall that looks down over the water and a chandeleir. The walls were littered in band posters, Marianas Trench, All Time Low, Greenday, Fallout Boy, My Chemical Romance, blink-182, Mayday Parade, Hedley, Bowling For Soup, you name it.

I grabbed my phone and skipped over to Michael and Calums house. I stood outside the door and wondered if I should knock or come in. Before I could decide, Michael had opened the front door and stood before me, smiling happily. He was wearing the same thing he was wearing earlier, an Iron Maiden t-shirt and black skinny jeans, minus the combat boots add bright green socks.

"Hi." I said, taking my eyes off his body.

"Hey." He smiled down at my small figure.

He held his hand out as an offer to come inside and I gladly obliged, stepping in as he moved out of the way.

His house was huge! The room I walked into had guitars hanging on the walls, a grand piano in the corner and a drum kit in another, some microphone boxes and amps, anything you would find in a music room essentially. The tiles were white and blue and there was a stairway, obviously leading up to two bedrooms and a door frame leading into a hallway grounded with white carpet.

I stared in awe as Michael began leading the way to the end of the hall and into another huge room with softer cream carpet and fluffy funiture and stuffed animals. There was a huge TV in the corner of the room with an Xbox One, 360, Playstation 3 and 4 and a DVD player along with a Foxtel HQ box. Obviously.

Brown ey-Calum came from around the corner which I assume was the kitchen with a bag of triple butter popcorn.

"Is that girl Briana he-" He cut himself off by whistling as he spotted me. "Damn you look good girl." He winked at me, causing me to blush.

"Thanks. I.. like your tattoos. Yours too." I pointed to Michaels arms and his neck awkwardly and both of the boys chuckled.

"I'm gonna go get the beverages." Michael winked at me and left the room.

Calum made himself comfortable on the couch and grabbed one of the remotes of the coffee table and turned on The Goonies, keeping it on the start menu. I stood there awkwardly so he patted the spot next to him on the couch and I sat next to him, resting my feet on one of the foot rests. Calum wrapped his arm around me as Michael walked back into the room with a box of beer and hit play. I managed unravel myself from Calums grip before Michael sat next to me, resting his feet on the same rest as mine.


By the end of the movie, I had become a lot more comfortable with the boys and they actually seemed like cool guys, despite the fact they look like total dicks. I also learned that Michael had a tongue ring, he'd play with it everytime he got lost in thought, which was kinda cute I have to admit.

After the movie ended, Calum was completly wasted but Michael and I were still pretty much sober as we didn't really drink much. Instead of turning on another movie, we talked about our high school experiences and such. I told them I didn't have much of an experience outside of school work because my parents were so strict when it came to my education and the crowds I hung around. They told me about how they'd get in trouble constantly for breaking school property, getting tattoos, smoking on school property, skipping and just being dickheads together in general. Michael was an A+ in Maths, English and Music. They both dropped out in year 11.

I actually enjoyed hearing about their stupid little high school stories and it was funny how Calum repeated at least fifteen times that they were both single and how he would mention that I look really hot, earning constant glares from Michael's way. Eventually, at about 1am, I had become really tired and said I was gonna head home.

"I'll walk you, it's really late, something might happen." Michael scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"I assume I don't get a choice do I, betroot boy?" I mentally face palmed myself at the lame nickname I came up for him and he snickered.

"Calum, your ass better be in bed before I get back or I'm gonna whoop your ass, got it?" Michael warned, interlocking his arm with mine. I giggled as Calum groaned, shuffling his way into the hallway behind us before disappearing behind a door. I heard a soft thud before Michael closed the door behind us.

I breathed in the fresh night air as we began for my house. We walked in silence onto the footpath and around the medium height bush that seperated our houses from each other until we got up to my porch, the light automatically switching on.

Michael turned to face me and fiddled with the silver ball in his mouth before he spoke, "I had a really good time tonight."

"So did I, thank you. You and Calum are a lot cooler than I thought you would have been." i chuckled.

"Yeah, well... I'm glad you had fun, we totally have to hang out again sometime. I think there's a party coming up and you should come or something if you want." He scratched the back of his neck and let out a nervous laugh and stared at his feet as they shuffled.

"A party? I've never-Okay!" I said, a smile filling my face.

"Really?" He looked up at me hopefully. "You'll have so much fun oh my God. I'll text you the details when I get them off Calum tomorrow." He smiled.


"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow or around or something?"

"Most likely tomorrow but yeah." I hugged him lightly, catching him off guard as he hugged back. "Thanks again for tonight." I whispered into his ear as we began to pull away.

"Oh, it was my pleasure." He smiled. "I should get back to Calum." He said looking around.

"Okay, goodnight tomato pants."

"Wow. Tomato pants." He smirked as I blushed. "Goodnight bumble bee. Get it? Because your name starts with a B? Wow I suck as much as you do." He giggled nervously. The sound was beautiful, I'd pay to hear him giggle again.

He turned on his heal and walked back down my driveway and I unlocked my house and stood inside.

I hope that I'll get to see more of Michael and Calum.

jet black heart // punk Michael Clifford Where stories live. Discover now