October 20th, 2015
Dear Diary,
Today I ventured into an entirely new world. I had started volunteering at a school where I met all such beautiful people. At first, there was this innate fear of not adapting and settling in. I was wondering how these little angels would take to me.
Would we become friends instantaneously?
Would I be able to understand their perspective?
But my fears were unfounded and baseless. This little girl, Geeta changed my view on life.
Who is Geeta?
Geeta is a bubbly ten year old girl who is not only autistic but also paralysed from waist down.
She did not seem to be disheartened by this fact but was bubbling with happiness.
She kept on a stream of lively chatter as we worked on the assignment for the day.
Despite being autistic, the girl took well to a complete stranger. This warmed my heart.
This little girl also had a learning disorder and could not read. But had brilliant retentive powers.
It was my first day and I had already gained a little sister and a best friend.
From what I observed this is how my little friend views the world around her,
"I sit strapped on my chair and look at the world going by me .
Why is everybody is in a rush ?
Why can't they be still and just pause and take a break?
Like some robots,they all seem to function.
Morning begins and the endless chores and life's marathon begins.
And I feel blessed to be not a part of this rat race.
I just sit on my wheel chair and just sit and stare.
People think I am an invalid , dependent on my near and dear ones for my basic needs and weak in mind.
But my spirit is strong and I can see what these wise souls fail to perceive.
I see beauty In life .
I enjoy the whiff of fragrance from a blooming red flower and the rustling sound of the leaves in gentle breeze is music to my ears.
I make my own music to match their rhythm.
Other children may not befriends with me but I am not lonely.
My friends are of my choice.
I make friends with chirping sparrows,the cheeky crows and the noisy pigeons that come on my window –sill.
They are not harsh with me and neither do they make jest of me.
They listen to my fears ,my dreams and my troubles .
I may not be beautiful but my parents call me their Cinderella and their love is what matters to me.
I may not be smart but I know my numbers and alphabets.
I may not make radical discoveries but I shall live my life to the best of my ability .
I am not a loser .
I may not open my mouth but my mind is not bereft of words.
I fly on the wings of my imagination .
Sky is my limit and I give shape and form to anything and everything and hue them with the colours I like.
I live in the world that I create and like .
My world is devoid of malice and ill-will.
It's a world of love, affection and friend."
A nineteen year old learnt a lot from her ten year old counterpart that day.
- Sagarika Khanna

Opening Minds Changing Lives Diaries
RandomA diary of new experiences, unchartered territories and moving stories of true people whom we all try to ignore. I want their true stories to be known to all. They deserve it for they are beautiful inside and out. I shall do my best to bring their i...