Chapter 8

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My alarm went off at 5:30 in the morning. I rolled over in bed, and could not believe that I would have to wake up this early every morning. I stumbled out of bed and pulled on a pair of tan breeches, navy blue Hillcrest polo shirt, and my Hillcrest riding jacket. I felt like a walking advertisement for Hillcrest Academy.

I walked out of the dorm into the crisp, cold, September morning air. It was a quick walk to the barn, where all the horses stood sleepily in their stalls. I grabbed my newly polished CWD saddle, and bridle from the tack locker before walking over to Lexus's stall.

"Hey buddy," I whispered. I could tell that he was surprised to see me up so early. "I am afraid I am going to have to make you work so early in the morning."

Lexus nickered in approval. Then I slid his halter over his muzzle and walked him down to the cross ties. The barn was quiet and peaceful.

I took my time and made sure that I gave Lexus a good brush over before I put his tack on. Lexus looked stunning in his navy blue saddle pad and light blue polo wraps.

After I put his bridle on, I walked him out to the indoor arena where I mounted Lexus and started to warm him up. I worked a lot on bending to make sure that he was warmed up for whatever we worked on today.

Soon enough, McKenzie and her horse Rennie walked into the arena, then Skylar and her horse Sprite with Meghan and her horse Shooter. Lastly, Alison and her horse Memphis walked into the arena.

Quietly we all started warming up until Mr. Rooks walked into the arena with his horse Starstruck. He was a beautiful palomino about 16.3 hands high.

"I would like to take you out on a cross country course today," Mr. Rooks instructed. "How many of you have done a lot of cross country?"

"I have won many ribbons before in cross country," bragged Alison.

"I have done a lot before, but not a whole lot on Rennie," McKenzie stated.

"I have done enough to feel comfortable," Skylar said.

"I love cross country, but shooter gets a little strong in the bridle," Meghan explained.

"That is good to know," Mr. Rooks said "and what about you, Katie?"

I bowed my head in embarrassment before I said "I have never actually done proper cross country before." Everyone else has done a lot, but I have done none.

"Well Katie, I think you are really going to enjoy this lesson." Mr. Rooks then gave us all a vest to wear in case we fall.

When we walked outside the sun was out and I could tell it was going to be a warm day. "I would like the order to be Alison, Skylar, Meghan, McKenzie, Katie, and I will follow. Now Alison, I would like you to take the far left hand side path to introduce cross country to Katie. You may start whenever you are ready."

Alison picked up a slow canter to make sure that Memphis he would not tire. Confidently Alison rode Memphis towards the first 2'3 log jump before disappearing into the woods.

Two minutes later Skylar followed Alison's path, and after her left Meghan. Who I could tell had some troubles controlling Shooter. After her, McKenzie left controlling Rennie perfectly for a horse that is still green.

"Whenever you are ready," Mr. Rooks told me when the two minutes were up. "Add leg at the base of all the jumps, and I am sure that you will be fine." I nodded my head and then I picked up a slow canter just like the other girls.

I lined myself up for the small log jump. I made sure to count my strides 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, jump. I added leg at the base of the jump, and without a hesitation Lexus soared over the jump.

My heart was racing fast, and I wanted to let Lexus go for a gallop, but I knew that it would not be safe. I had watched many FEI world games eventing, and I knew that I should save Lexus's energy.

I could see that there was a 2'6 brush jump approaching quickly. Again, Lexus jumped it without a hesitation. I knew that I would have to call up Krystal later and ask her what discipline Lexus was trained to show in.

I was about 5 minutes into the cross country course when I reached a small stream. I pulled Lexus back to a trot when crossing it, but halfway through he wanted to stop and splash around. When I felt him wanting to stop I put more pressure on his barrel and asked him to go forward.

"So boy, you like water huh?" I patted Lexus on the neck when we were out of the stream. "Maybe I will have to take you on a trail ride before winter comes around."

We were of cantering the rest of the course. There was nothing that was too scary so far, and Lexus seemed pretty calm. Then a couple strides ahead of me I saw ditch. I started to tense up, but then I corrected myself because Lexus started to speed up.

About five strides away I started counting, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Lexus hesitated but I could feel him rocking back onto his haunches. I thought he was going to jump it until he reared. It caught me off guard and I fell. I hit the ground hard, but luckily I had no broken bones.

I was in shock of what just happened. Everything was going smoothly. I stood up to lead Lexus out of the way of the course, "Its ok boy," I said but then he bolted off towards the finish.

I had no idea what to do. Not even on a trail ride before have I had a horse bolt off. To my luck I turned around and saw Mr. Rooks trotting Starstruck up behind me.

"Katie what happened?" he asked, "Where is your horse?"

"Lexus bolted off," I replied shakily.

He then picked up his cell phone and made a quick phone call to who I guessed was the stable hand.

"Lexus is back at the barn," Mr. Rooks finally told me when he put his phone back in his pocket.

"I am glad that he is safe, but he is already at the barn?" I asked thinking that we were far away from the barn.

"The barn is just between those trees," Mr. Rooks pointed out before dismounting off of his horse. "You are standing which is a good sign. Do you have any broken bones," he asked.

I moved my arms and legs "Nope, all good," I replied.

"That is a relief, are you fine to walk back to the barn?" he asked.

"Ya, I'm fine."

"What exactly happened," Mr. Rooks was curious when we started walking back to the barn.

"Everything was fine until one stride away from the ditch, and took me off by surprise when reared," I stated.

"I am glad you are fine, because you could have been badly hurt. Has Lexus ever reared on you before?" he asked.

"Never when I have been one him," I replied.

"This is interesting," Mr. Rooks said, "Maybe he just had a bad day."

We reached the barn, where the stable hand was leading Lexus around the barn to calm him down. When Lexus saw be he bowed his head down low, he knew that he had messed up.

"Oh My God Katie," said McKenzie running out of the barn. "You are ok."

"I just had a fall," I replied.

"You should go see the nurse," McKenzie's face lit up with worry.

"I don't have time," I replied "I am fine."

"Alright, but it is almost 8:30; we have to get ready for school." McKenzie pulled me away.

"But what about Lexus?" I asked.

"I can handle it. Go get ready for class," Mr. Rooks offered before I ran off to my room.

When I got back to my dorm I quickly showered, straightened my hair, did my make-up and then changed into my uniform. Breakfast would have to wait until later. I ran out the door with my books in hand for my first to classes.

The warning bell went off, and I was standing just outside of my science class. When I heard Josh call my name "Katie, I heard you were in a rush this morning..."

"I don't have time right now! Wait do you have Starbucks?" I asked walking over to him.

"Yup, I have a hot chocolate and a chocolate chip muffin with your name on it," he gave the cup and brown bag with the muffin in it.

"You saved my life," I said before giving him a friendly hug and running into my science honors class.

This is an early update because I will be away for the next week and a bit, so no more updates for a while :( sorry.

And is there anyone out there that could solve: why wattpad always changes my spacing between paragraphs.

But I still hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Please vote, comment, fan :)


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