Chapter 22

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Trent P.O.V.

Sitting there I look in at first she just sat there and then she turn her head to look at me. 

TM: You what?

Trent: I'm gay...

TM: You gay? How long you be gay for?

Trent: Um..when I met my boyfriend

TM: You have a boyfriend?

Trent: Yeah...

TM: How long you have a boyfriend?

Trent: Couple of days..

TM: Do any else know that you have boyfriend?

Trent: Well not beside his two best friend..and you

TM: I not you never be gay until you met this guy..what his name?

Trent: Lucas..and yea..I know it hard to understand...he only the dude I look at like that..

TM: only gay for Lucas your boyfriend..

Trent: Yep..

TM: So how do you see girls now?

Trent: Like I don't I don't like them any now that I met Lucas he the only person I look at..think about and my whole world revolve around him...

TM: Are you sure that it just not a phase? 

Trent: Yes I know it not a phase mom..I know it not...

TM: Mhm...So did y'all have sex yet?

Trent: No...

TM: Are you a virgin?

Trent: Yes..

TM: What about Lucas is he a virgin?

Trent: Yes 

TM: Do his parents know?

Trent: I don't know..they probably do know

TM: Well I think I should meet Lucas for myself..

Trent: Really?

TM: Yes..I want to me your he

Trent: Gay?

TM: No..feminine..

Trent: O no..he act normal..I guess..

TM: OK. Did y'all kiss?

Trent: Yes..

TM: Do he have any ex's?

Trent: what do this have to with me being gay and stuff?

TM : I just be nosey *Laugh*

Trent: You sure are nosey...

TM: Well I don't care if you gay as long as you help that is all that matter...

Trent: Thanks mom

Later On

Laying down I try to think of a way I can tell Lucas that I going to rob a house...putting a pillow over my phone I heard my phone ding..looking at it I saw that Kendrick text me. 

Text Conversation

Kendrick: Sup?

Trent: What do you want?

Kendrick: I can't talk to you?

Trent: Nigga I don't like you..

Kendrick: To bad if you kept ignoring me I going to tell..

Trent: Fine. What you want to talk about?

Kendrick: Lucas

Trent: Why do we have to talk about him?

Kendrick: Just did you smash yet?

Trent: Why do you need to know that?

Kendrick: I just wondering

Trent: No..

Kendrick: No what?

Trent: No I don't smash

Kendrick: O. Cause Lucas told me y'all did...

Trent: When?

Kendrick: When I was in detention with him. I ask and he said yea that y'all did it..

Trent: Really?

Kendrick:  Yeah. But I have to go back to work talk to you later and be ready for tomorrow 

Trent: OK.

Putting my phone on the dresser I guess think I stupid or something.. I know Lucas would never answer a question from him and plus why would he lie about something like that?

The Next Day

Lucas P.O.V.

Sitting at the kitchen table I scroll though colleges I can go pick up by my mom..scrolling though the colleges I look up and saw that she went in the living room. Taking out my phone I text Ashley and Brittany..hearing her come back..I put my phone back in my pocket.

LM: You found a colleges yet?

Lucas: No....Mom?

LM: Yes?

Lucas: Why am I looking for colleges now?  I just in my 1st semester of my junior year.

LM: OK? It never to early to look 

Lucas: I know..

LM: Well continue to look for one and call me when you found one..

Seeing her going back to the living room I took out my phone and continue to text Brittany and Ashley..and of course Bae.. 

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