migraine and his friends

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I live everyday with a migraine that refuses to leave.
I've begged and pleaded and demanded and nothing works.
It pounds on the walls if my skull so I installed insulation
It threatens and screams to kill so I silence it with

Silence is my only ally in this battle that was twisted into a war
Silence is the only weapon that kills and heals
The only soldier that destroys and builds
The only knife that wounds and surgically performs.

My ally

But not my friend.

We fight along side each other yes.
In constant combat with this migraine taking over the contents of my mind.
But soon silence will over take me.
And you will never hear me again.

Not because I'm gone.
I will still be here

I will always be here

But because everything I had been trying to say
Everything that had been trying to reach you

Will have been killed.

Mere casualties
In this little war of ours.

And this Migraine will rule a long side Silence.
For a long time.
They will rule with a rod and staff.

Showing no mercy.
Showing no patience.
Showing no tolerance


Until one day a tiny thought is born.
This simple thought will be nurtured and fed
And cleaned and coaxed.
This thought will eventually morph into an idea
And after training and nurturing and strengthening
This idea will develop into a power.

And will rise against the two ruthless rulers of my so-called mind.

It will win

And it will be called


For this we can only hope.

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