W-would You Go Out With Me?

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            'Today was the day,' I thought as I fixed my hair one final last time. I was finally going to ask her out. I've had a huge crush on her ever since she walked past me. Her beautiful hair glistened and I thought it was gorgeous. She was gorgeous.

I ran down the stairs two at a time. I'm honestly surprised I didn't trip and fall, but that's besides the point. I'm finally gonna do it.

My best friend, Annie, waited outside for me. Her impatience had almost caused her to leave me behind. She rolled her ice blue eyes at me and tucked her hair behind her ear. Her backpack slung lazily on her shoulder and it started to slid until I fixed it for her.

"Took you long enough. I've probably stood here for an hour now. What's with the semi-formal wear?" She asked as we began to walk. 

"Today, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna ask out the girl of my dreams," I replied, smiling.

Her head turned so fast, I thought she broke something. "Mikasa? Jean...Do you really think it's a good idea? I mean, you've only been talking to her for about a couple months now, and she always hangs around Eren."

I rolled my eyes. "Relax. It'll be fine. Hey, wanna see the drawing I did of this beautiful angel?" I was already pulling out my sketch book and putting it in her hands before she even replied. She rolled her eyes again and flipped open the book past all the old drawings of pointless little things, and that one picture of that girl I dreamed about once that just so happens to look like Mikasa, to the newest one in the book. Her eyes focused on the drawing and I waited with nervousness and excitement. 

Her eyebrows furrowed closer together the more she stared at it. "Jean...This....This looks like...me," She turned her head slowly to look up at me, a small blush forming on both our faces. 

"I know. It is you," I said. Realization dawned on her and her was taken by surprise and had stopped walking. Now was my chance. 

"Annie...You are the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. We've known each other since forever and I think you're truly amazing. You may seem cold and heartless at first glance, but I know you care deeply about a lot of things. I love everything about you and I can't ever seem to get you out of my mind. It was never Mikasa, it was always you. I only pretended to like her because she kind of resembled you personality wise, and I was too much of a coward to admit my feelings to you until now. So...W-would you go out with me?" 

I felt my hands shaking as she stood in awe for a moment. I scratched the under part of my hair and waited for her to give me an answer. She finally nodded and a smile let loose on my face. I couldn't help myself when I leaned forward and kissed her nose and grabbed her hand. She didn't object, in fact, she squeezed my hand and smiled slightly. We continued to walk hand in hand with smiles on our faces. Of course, I never asked Mikasa out, she was only a divergence. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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