Chapter two: Locker Graffitti

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August 28th.

I stand outside at my bus stop, pushing my hair from my face and looking around. I was never really a morning person, I hate how it's blue darkish out, and cold. It was a weird feeling.
As the bus pulls up, and comes to an airy stop, I climb on and peer around.
At the front, sat all the freshman. Ha, guppies. Don't even know what there in for. I can say that now, because I'm no longer a freshman. Behind the freshman were all the sophomores and juniors, and at the very very back? The seniors, of course. Now was the most critical part of the morning, picking a seat.
If I sit with the freshman, il look like a freshman, because I'm only about 5'2, maybe 5'3. But if I sit with the sophomores and juniors I could get picked on, there mostly rude, and none of my friends are on this bus.
I walk to an empty seat between the juniors and seniors and sit down, and set my pastel pink backpack with white polka dots down next to me, looking out the window as the large bus begins to push forward. As we crept closer to the school, my heart began to race. We're suppose to be getting about 200 new kids, from grades 9 to 12. I already had to deal with kids I know from middle school, I didn't want new kids too.
I sink down and push my headphones in, turning my music on to tune out the loudness of teenagers yelling about how they went places over the summer.
A good twenty minutes later, we pull up to the school. My phone was already vibrating with a text from Skyler.
'Meet me at the front doors?' It ready as I exhale and reply, 'of course'
As the bus comes to a stop, I stay sitting and watch all the students rush to get off. I don't get it tho, what's the rush? This day was going to be so stressful and anxious. I watched familiar faces and new faces pass me by. I already hate it.
Getting off, I fix my jeans and tank top and look around for Skyler, when I see her wavin her arms and jumping up and down with an excited smile. Her smile causes a smile to spread across my lips, seeing her happy makes me feel a little more at ease. I walk over and hug her happily. "Hey, ready to go to our home room?" She asks as I nod, "yup, let's just get this day over with" I exhale in a breathy sigh as we walk in, with a rush of other students. Thank god we have the same home room, or I'd loose it.
We walk down the hall, as my eyes bounce from person to person. Some new and some old. I could already tell who was preppy, and who wasn't, and who was popular, and who wasn't. Not that it really mattered to me tho. I was perfectly content with my group of friends. Ciara, Skyler, misha, Vince and a few others. But I mostly stick with those four. We went popular, or uncool.. We're just, us.
I look down to my paper to my locker number and walk to it, clicking in the combo and opening it. The inside smelled like Dirt and metal, and there was cheap sharpie writing inside.
'Max was here' was written on the back and on the door it read, 'Stacey Holmings is a whore'. I exhale and shake my head closing it, il have to Bing some pictures and cover it up. But honestly, I didn't disagree. Stacey Holmings was a really big whore in my school. She's a senior this year, and will do anything for 50$. She's also a known drug user. Gross.
I walk down the hallway a bit and into my home room. Thankfully, Skyler had already saved us seats in the back. I smile at her and start to walk, as my eyes land on Rachel. Great, perfect. Rachel, my bully since I was 5, is in my home room. This was going to suck.
As she noticed me looking at her, she looked me up and down. "Chinese writing on your shirt? What does that even say? Can you even read Chinese?" She laughed in a snobby voice. I rolled my eyes and exhale, "it's not Chinese, it's Japanese. And it says 'Do onto others as you wish others to do onto you'." I say as she looks at her friends, and they all laugh, "wow, that's lame." She says as I exhale and walk to the back, sitting next to Skyler. "Don't listen to them Maggie. There just crabby because they haven't had there morning cock yet" she says as I can't help but laugh.
About a half hour of talking later, the first block bell rang, and everyone rushed out. I look down to my paper and read my first block.
'English 11 --------- Mrs. Pelsey'
Thankfully, Skyler had her too.
Infact, we have all our classes together. The day went by smoothly and calmly. No classes with Rachel, a few with Ciara and Vince. First block is English 11, second is art, third is creative writing and fourth is a study hall free block in the library. This year just might be good... It just might be.

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