Butterflies Die

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All of the butterflies she had in her stomach for you just died
You pressed your cold lips to her forehead
But it was a far cry from the other coherent kisses
(That was the final kiss)
She knew it and so did you
The feeling of the butterflies dying informed her that you are now nonexistent in her life

You walked away from the best thing you had ever known
She walked away too, assuming that you would take back your detrimental words
(You never did)
You get to go on with your life
While she is left in martyrdom

A week has gone by since you gave up on her
She's tried of crying over you and your rash decisions
She still holds the hoodie you gave her on that cold night
(You loved the way it was two sizes too big on her)
It's time to let you and the memories go
She prays that the smell of her apples and Christmas in a bottle perfume lingers on your hoodie
Sparking an emotion causing you to realize what you've lost

She's decided to be happy again
(You could have been happy too)
You will have to live with regrets of  letting someone go,
who loved you so dearly
Her butterflies have died for you
But it doesn't mean they won't recondition
To flutter for someone new

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