Chapter 23

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Emmet POV

I could hear that my family were gathered in the living room. I gently picked up Bella and was careful not to jolt her so she wouldn't wake up. 

Carlisle opened the door for me and they all watched as I carried Bella to her room.

Laying her down on her bed I took off her shoes and pulled the blankets up to her chin. 

I then joined my family in the living room and flopped down onto the sofa.

"What happened?", Esme asked concerned.

"When I arrived she was  dancing on the kitchen counting singing about stripping", I said flatly.

"Oh dear", Esme said.

"But she was alright?", Alice asked, hoping her vision hadn't come through.

"yes, she was fine", I nodded. 

After a moment of silence  I spoke up,"She started crying on the way home. it broke my heart, what she said", I said quietly. 

"What did she say?", Alice asked curiously.

"She talked about how she missed us and how much it hurt and.... and she talked about missing Edward and how that hurt much more", I murmured, feeling like I let her down. 

"Poor Bella", Esme frowned, sounding like she might cry, but that was impossible

"He's so selfish!", I burst, "He only thinks about himself! He doesn't realise he's hurting Bella! I should find him and teach him a lesson!", I yelled jumping up.

Rosalie stood in front of me and put her hands on my chest. "Emmet, calm down for a minute and think about this. You don't really want to hurt your brother"

"I'm not sure I even consider him m brother any more", I said.

"You don't mean that", Rosalie reasoned. "Maybe you should go hunting to clear your head"

"Your right", I said, giving her a kiss. "I'll be back later",

"Bye Em", She smiled as I ran towards the forest, trying to rid my brain of any bad thoughts.


Bella POV

I cracked open my eyes and groaned. My head felt like it was splitting into pieces. my throat was dry, there was an ache in my bones and my stomach was doing somersaults. 

I rushed to the bathroom and got violently sick before slumping to the ground. That only made my headache worse and did nothing to help my stomach. 

Alice appeared in the door way and her eyes turned sad.

"Oh Bella", She said and picked me up taking me back to the bed. 

"How are you feeling?", She asked softly.

"Like poo", I said. She laughed quietly, which was odd for Alice to be any bit quiet but I guess she knew I had a headache.

"Alice what happened last night?", I croaked. Something flashed in her face but she hid it well and regained her composer as she explained how Emmet brought me home. 

"Why did I drink? Why? I'm so stupid", I groaned. 

"Well I saw you taking your first drink, and Mike was pretty pushy", She said.

"I still could have said no", I sighed. 

"I guess so, but we all make mistakes", she said before standing up, "I think Emmet wants to talk to you so I'll see you later"

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