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HELLO EVERONE FAYGO HERE I JUST wa-.... MASTER~ *clear runs as fast as sonic the mother flipping Hedgehog and tackles faygo to the ground* master~ I found you!.....oh who are these people master~...there some of the people who came to ask us things....oh and clear!? Yes master~ ....get the fuvk of me!...Thx ..

Virus- hay I even want to know??

Me-*the face of OH FUCK NO! face*.....0/////0....w-we were playing a g-game and I could find clear and thought that he stopped p-playing so I decided to do the ask thing!!!?...

Virus- OOOOOOH!! Sooo...did we get any questions?! Or asks?

Me- yes!! OK this one is for....VIRUS!!!!

virus- really? OK wh-

Me- virus who would you fuck? That's form my friend form imvu!!

Virus- *looks at faygo like he Didn't hear a word* uuuu...were did you get a computer from?

Me- Oh I just set a noiz trap so I could take his computer~ *faygo his a face of a Rapist and slowly looks at virus* hehe...

Virus- (!o~o!).....umm...I think I'm going to answer the...Question now...

Me- OK~ oh and her Username is...( some strange lady walks up to faygo and whispers in her ear) OH!!!!!! Never mind she told me not to tell her username!

Virus- OK......well I guess I would fuck......FAYGO!~(^▽^)

Me- * a mad as the Hatter blush. Spreads across fagos face* U-umm.. Let's m-move on now.....* clears throat* umm let's see?!?! Oh here we go a ask from my imvu friend again! For..........

Virus- for who??


MINK walks over and looks at faygo with no Expression.

Mink- ...yes...

Me- I got a ask for you!!!

Mink- ....

Me- OK ############## ASK IF YOU WOULD EAT THE cereal "Apple Jacks" cuz there is cinnamon in them??


Me- Thx cinnamon buns!!

Mink walks away with a tiny bit of blush on his cheeks which he thought I didn't notice as he thinks about why I call him cinnamon buns

Clear- master~ did anyone ask me anything??

Me- no My sweet little jellyfish~ hehe..

Clear- hehe yay I'm a jellyfish!! ( I whisper into clears ear)....OH AND BYE EVERYONE AND DON'T FORGET TO LIKE OR Comment cuz master told me that its nice to have likes! (Me) shh clear don't tell them that!

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