Chapter 2 - Slaughterhouse

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"Once we have an experience, we are thereafter unable to see the world as we did before. Our innocence is lost and we cannot go home again." -Daniel Gilbert


Rosaline Levington: 

Rose was thankful that her father had allowed her to stay with him in his office. The bright, spacious room was exceptionally tranquil. For Rose, it had been the perfect place to work. 

She silently studied him from across the room as he diligently worked. 

Clarence was seated behind that massive oaken desk of his, scribbling away. His brilliant blue eyes cast downwards in concentration, reddish-brown strands covered his forehead and brows, nearly shielding his eyes away from view. 

Rose was told that she looked a lot like her father for she had the same colored eyes and straight dark chestnut locks. Unlike her, her brother, Elli, had wavy ash-brown hair. He was much more like her mother, Viola, even in his personality--both were so vibrant and lively.

Lifting a piece of dark charcoal to the sheet of clean parchment, Rose began to draw. 

She drew a circle for his head, then meticulously drew a zigzagged line atop of the circle for his hair, colored it in, and proceeded to fill in the face. His body soon followed, she drew in his neck and lean frame. Several rectangles were added to portray the sea of papers and mountains of manuscripts that lied before him. 

By now, the side of her left hand was coated with charcoal. Traces of the black debris smeared onto her skirt. It was the least of her concern as she pondered over the size of the circle. Should she have drawn his head bigger? Perhaps the body should be smaller. 

After several long minutes of correcting, Rose decided that she was done, and pleased with the results. Rose held up the parchment in front of her, marveling at the completeness of her masterpiece. *knock, knock, knock*  The subtle knocks drew her attention to the door. 

"Who is it?" Clarence asked without glancing up, he was still too focused on the tasked at hand.

"Alice, my lord," replied a soft feminine voice. 

"You may come in," Clarence said as he swiftly inscribed something onto the inside of a thick manuscript. "What is it, Alice?"

"Sir Adrian has arrived, my lord. He's waiting for you just outside the study," said Alice. 

Clarence looked up briefly. "Tell him to come in."

Alice curtsied and went out to fetch Adrian. Seconds later, the man strolled into the room. 

"Adrian!" Rose squealed, glad to see him. Adrian was the vice superintendent of Grace Gates; he worked closely with her father and so, visited the estate frequently. She'd grown accustomed to his presence at the estate, he was like family. Rose ran to him and hugged his thigh. Some of the black dust got onto his trousers, but he didn't seem to mind.  

"Hello, Rosaline," Adrian said and chuckled, "I'm glad that you're glad to see me." He stroked her hair lovingly. 

"Adrian," Clarence said. Rose released her hold on Adrian and allowed him to talk to her father.

"Good afternoon, darling," Adrian said in a honeyed voice and jokingly blew a kiss to Clarence. Clarence only squinted at Adrian. 

"What ever you are doing, Adrian, stop," Clarence said, trying to get serious. 

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