If I Had Common Sense

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±Chase's POV±

Okay, first things first. I'm Chase Martyr. I'm bisexual, but prefer boys((Less drama -_-)). I can pass off as a chick if need be. And girl's cloths are comfy.

So saying. I'm fixing this really hot guys car, wearing a pair of Neon blue skinny jeans, my sisters, and a loose fitting tank top with the stupid sterotypical button up flannel shirt. With My Orange high tops. The guy who owns the car won't stop checking me out, or atleast my ass. Making me feel so uncomfortble. "So, um, I just need to change your oil and you can be oh god" A blush found its way to my face when I turned to see him right in from of me. He's like Ronnie Radke with blue eyes, "Thank you...." He smirked raising a eyebrow, my blush deepend "Chase." He chuckled at my shyness "Thank you Chase. Can I ask something?" He looked at me tilting his head, he managed to press me up against his car. With my blush deepening, "S-Sure"

"Are you busy later?" He bite his lip hopefully pulling me to him so all space was gone, by my waist. "I-No-I'm not busy." Oh god. I'm studdering! "How about I take you out to dinner?" biting my lip, I could miss movie night... Mika would understand. "Sure." His face lite up "Great! Oh I'm Cole, and I need your address." He pulled me over to his car door and leaned in the rolled down window, pulling out a pen. "928 North Love Drive." He smirked, causing me to blush again. "See you later Chase. Wear something nice." Nodding I quickly ran inside, to find my boss laughing at me "Oh my lord! Chase! You don't run from guys who flirt with you!"

"NANCY! Shhhhh!!" I whined slapping my hands over her mouth, "Just shhh! I don't want him to hear you!"

I yelped as she bit my hand causing me to yank it back, "Chase. He can't hear me over the machines. Also, you work in an a basically all girl facility!"

I glared at her, "Shup." She just smilied, her smile turned into a smirk as she walked behind the counter. "Hi there, your car done?" I froze. Oh mai gawd.

"Umm no. Just need the oil change." Shit! I forgot. Oopsie! GOOD GOING CHASE! Make hime believe your forget things, "Chase, the counter never did anything to you."

"LIES! I've walked into that thing god knows how many times!" I pointed at her accuslingly. "I shall go change the oil." I said quickly slipping out of the office, before I could emberass myself anymore. Quickly, but carefully changed his oil just as my shifted ended. Did I forget to mention I'm a auto machanic? I would at Silver's Auto, bascially ran by girls, yup. I'm the only male working here. Joy! "Bye Chase!" Some of the girls called, "Bye! See you tomorrow!" Grabbing my phone and car keys. I dashed to my car. Climbing into the driver seat, I started my car, glanced around to make sure no human magically appeared in front of me and drove my '01 Poniac Grand Damn home. What Am I Gonna Wear? Thank god I have two sisters and a gay brother.

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