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Climbing High/First Fall Out

"Hannah your up top!" Kara shouted, American cheer practice was way more intense than London gymnastics
"Are you sure?" I asked worriedly
"Are you a cheerleader or a chicken? Get over here!" She snapped, I looked over at Demi who smiled reassuringly.

I clambered up to the top of the pyramid and lifted myself onto Cady's and Georgia's hands, it was very high up so i could see the rugby team watching us as i felt my cheeks redden.

I heard a shout then screams coming from the pitch, I turned around and saw Cameron fighting with some other guy, i felt myself sway until suddenly Cady lost her grip on my shoe and i went forward, i remembered gymnast championships 2012 and did my winning routine, a triple spin and landing on my feet with a big thump.

"Woah!" Demi laughed, along with a few claps and whoops,
"Hannah!" I heard Nash shout and run over making sure i was okay obviously touching in the totally wrong places, i pushed his hands away
"I can take it from here fuckboy" Another voice said, i watched as Cameron walked over to me Kara scoffed and Nash rolled his eyes before jogging off.

"You okay?" He asked
"Im fine" i laughed
"Im worried about you Hannah Harrison" he said taking my hands in his
"Whys that?" I smiled
"Because You British Bitches are ruthless" he laughed.


"So are you coming?" Johnson asked
"Where?" I laughed and taking a sip of my water
"The lake house party" Gilinsky interrupted
"I'd love to!" I smiled before throwing a cheese puff at Carter
"Nope" Cam butted in
"What?" I asked
"We are not going to that party" he scoffed
"Why not? I can go if i want to" I argued
"Yeah man let her go its not like your dating" Carter laughed throwing it back
"Whatever" Cam muttered
"But don't say i didn't warn you" 


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