Shooting Stars and Chocolate Brown Eyes

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And then I see him, strangers and groups of friends walk by, but every piece of me freezes in his presence. There are butterflies in my stomach  and warm chocolate colored eyes on my mind. He's looking at something in the distance, something I can't see, or maybe he's just daydreaming. But for a second, I just watch him mumbling to himself the ghost of a smile on his lips. I wish that he was mine.

As the breeze waltzes past me my skirt flutters around my legs, like my heart fluttering in my chest. I take a step towards him and he turns around, catching me off guard so I freeze again. It feels like we're the only two people in the world. I wish that we were the only two people in the world. And he's looking dead at me, but he doesn't see me. He just looks right through me and I want to say to him, "I'm right here, if you would just stop looking for a second and see. I'm right here where I've always been."

He's grinning now. I turn around to see what he's looking at, and when I see her, my heart and time itself stops. Reality hits me like a blow to the gut, and I have to tell myself, "You're not the only two people in the world stupid. Snap out if it." My stomach feels like a graveyard for butterflies. I wish it didn't.

It always will be her, the girl in the pink shirt, the girl with the hazel brown eyes, the girl that he fell for. And sadly, that girl isn't me. Ever since the day I realized I was falling for him, he was falling for her. I don't want to say the "L" word, because if I do that makes it real. I don't want it to be real; I don't want it to end. I'm still hoping that he'll pick me. But I guess there's something to be said about shooting stars, because in the end they're not going to make him fall in love with you. They're just dying meteors and they're still trying to stop falling themselves. So maybe I'm a shooting star, a dying meteor, falling for the chocolate brown eyes that will never see me.

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