the rise of amherst the hybrid king

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"Get back here " cried the back"thief , help thief " then i said " come on guys im just a little hungry ,cant a guy get some food ". The guards came after me flashing there swords and crossbows ,yelling " stop thief in the name of the law " as i was running. I heard a giant   explosion behind me ,I look back to see that half of the city wall was missing and half a million creatures that looked half vampire and werewolf was attacking the kingdom . I  ran my fullest speed to the castle ,a girl no less then 15 was screaming out for help .The creatures stormed the castle and was attacking the guards and knights , the girl was at the top most window of one of the towers ,i dug my nails into the stone and started to clime up to the screaming girl. I approached her window and punched the glass out and yelled " miss come here ,grab my hand you'll be safe with me "  and with out hesitation she grabbed my  hand and i jumped out of the window and started to flying carrying her to safety , after the heat cooled down she started asking me "who are you? " and i answer " my name is max and  you are my lady ?" "My name is princess luna " " well i think most of the attack is over shall we check it out ?"

Then luna asked me "what are you ?"
Max: im a vampire luna ,but know body knows that i am ,well i dont think any one else knows im a vampire .
Luna: i've heard stories about your kind ,is it true you can live for ever ?, Dose holy water hurt you ?,is it true your afraid of garlic?

Max: yes we can live for a long time ,but most of that stuff you heard about vampires is not true , holy water doesn't hurt us ,hell we can drink it ,and garlic only gives us bad breath .

Then we went out side headed back to the castle
Max: here ( handing her a scarf ) put this on your face so no one will recognize you ,those creatures are going to be looking for you who knows what they'll do to you .

Luna takes the scarf from my hand and covers her face ,we approached the castle every guard slaughtered , the king was on the ground kneeling before a giant creature the creature whose features are a mish mash of ugly and pure horror ,he had big yellow eyes and his teeth sharp and a yellow orange with a hint of blood ,his breath was bad like the smell of ass crack and septic tank ,then he spoke to the king in a deep scary voice .

???:Were is the princess !? I will not rest until i know that every one of your royal family is dead or in the dungeons of this bloody kingdom !

Then the king yelled up to at the creature.
King: i don't know were my daughter is , i just hope she's safe from the the likes of you hybrid !!(as the king spat blood at the creatures feet )

Hybrid creature : worst mistake you ever made .

Then the hybrid took the king by the head and ripped it clean off his shoulders and tossed it aside like it as a piece of dirt on his claws ,the kings severed head started to roll of the steps bouncing on every step with a nerve chilling clunk ,clunk,clunk .
Then the creature picked up the kings crown and placed it on his own head and gave a speech .

Hybrid : On this day remember the day your king was murdered ,and your new king risen , i am your new king , i am Amherst the hybrid king ,serve me or perish !!

Max and luna : as if we'll serve you ( as luna pulled off her scarf and i did the same )

Amherst : oh goody ,i known you would turn up sooner or later , and who may this be ?( he glanced at me then at the neckles around my neck ) oh if it isn't max ,the princes of the sun kingdom .

Max : I don't know what you're talking about, but I know one thing ,I sure as hell not a bloody prince .

Amherst : Send them both to the dungeons !!(as he said that ,i told luna to get in my back and i flinnted us away from them and lost them .)

I lifted up a man hole and started to clime down

Max : come on luna this is the only way to safety
Luna: ok .if you say so

Then she clime down and replaced the top of he man hole,we could hear the hybrid king  yelling.
Amherst : find them and toss them in the dungeons or so help me god ill have your hide skinned and dried and   made in to a fur coat '!!
Then the sound of there yells died away as they moved further away from earshot
Max: luna are you ok ?
Luna: yeah im fine (she said with a sort of thank -you type of tone )i didn't know you was a prince ?
Max: i didn't know my self ,but that thing must be telling a lie ,because if i was a prince i sure as hell wouldn't be living down here .

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