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A/N please read!!!!

Okay so I would like to thank 2maky2 for sending in a beautiful cover. I also want to thank c0nfus3d22 for pointing out my grammar mistakes. Oh and just to make it clear even if you suck at making covers please send it in because I will end up using it.

Now to the story........

~Ellie Hartman~

Dean freakin Harper is dead.

Well not yet at least, he texted me saying he would be here 20 minutes ago. I'm actually starting to worry about him. Dang it!

I walk outside and start heading off but stop dead in my tracks when I see it.

Dean was laying on the ground, I take off running towards him searching for the problem. I finally see it a tranquilizer dart was stuck in his back, with a note attached to it.

My Dearest Ellie,

Did you miss me? I've surely missed you my love. I told you I would get you soon. Well now the times come. I will take you with me.


I close my eyes after I read the letter. Jake was my lover 7 years ago, I broke up with him after finding out he was crazy. Now it's my fault he's back, God I was so stupid!

I drag Dean back to the house waiting for him to get up.

"Ugh my head!" He whines and I walk over to him.

"We have a problem." I say and he looks up with confusion.

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