Chapter 1

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"I'm sorry Sugawara," he flinched at the use of his last name- he didn't have to be a psychic to know what was coming next, "I can't be with you anymore. It's just that... I feel like we aren't what we used to be anymore and recently there's been a new girl at my work and I feel like we're really hitting it off. I didn't want to cheat on you, you're a nice guy, so... this is my only option; goodbye."

The words came along with a sad smile and the turning of a back, leaving Suga alone on the quiet, darkening street. It was always like this, the same words, the same smile, the same feeling. Suga's shoulders slumped and his lips started wavering, tears collecting at the corners of his eyes. He wiped them off with the back of his hand. He didn't know what it was but it always ended like this- him the only one to be left broken hearted.

Maybe he never meant that much to the other person in the first place, sure it was harder because they were both guys, but every time Suga really thought it could work, just like that, his partner would find a girl. Someone he could settle down with and start a family, the one thing Suga could never give. It was July, and somehow he managed to be broken up with for the fourth time that year. Maybe it was time for him to give up on searching for that special someone who would bring him happiness for the rest of his life, sooner or later they would discover that they can't be with a guy.

Suga wandered down the street with his arms folded and tucked into his chest. He tried to control his sobbing but every once in a while one would slip past his trembling lips. He quickened his pace and hurried to his now lonely apartment. He reached the building and took the stairs two at a time to his floor. Grabbing the jingling keys from his pocket, he unlocked his door and shut it behind him. He rested against it, dropping his keys to the floor while staring up at the ceiling. Silent tears rolled down his face and he closed his eyes, taking in a wavering deep breath.

After a few moments he pushed himself off the door, slipped off his shoes and padded down to his bedroom. It was a weekday so he still needed to get up in the morning, but he didn't do his usual routine of having a shower and getting changed, he wasn't even bothered to eat dinner, he just collapsed on the bed and slowly made his way under the covers. Curling up into himself, one last sob shook his body before he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


The ringing of his phone was what awoke Sugawara the next morning. He cracked an eye open and stared around his dimly lit room. Groaning, he rolled onto his back and grabbed his phone from his pocket. Thank goodness the phone was still in one piece considering how much Suga rolled around in the night, going in and out of a restless sleep. In his state of being half unconscious, he didn't register who was calling until an annoyed and stern voice came through, "Sugawara-san, where are you right now?"

Suga shot up into a sitting position as his brain processed the voice. "Do you realise what time it is?" the voice continued, "It's 9:30. I've been calling and texting you for nearly an hour." Sugawara groaned as he shuffled out of bed and started changing out of his pants, phone pressed between his ear and shoulder. "I'm sorry Akaashi-kun, I overslept. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

He heard Akaashi huff over the phone, "Just hurry- they're getting restless wondering where you are. They're worried about you." Suga couldn't help but chuckle and let out a soft smile, "I will."

They hung up and Suga quickly changed his shirt into a clean grey one and rushed into the bathroom. He groaned for the third time that morning as he stared into the mirror; he looked like hell. His grey hair stood on ends everywhere while the spot on the side looked like a bird's nest, bags were under his eyes, they were red and puffy and his skin was paler than usual. He turned on the tap and washed his face, attempting to at least look decent before going to work.

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