BokuAka Chapter

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(A/N: Hey guys, I know it's unusual to have a note up here but I just gotta say something before you start reading. There isn't any smut in here but there is guyxguy action so for those who feel uncomfortable with that and just like fluff, then I have indicated the part with '~~~' (which also indicates a small time skip).)

Akaashi didn't notice the cold as he trudged through the sand as he was too busy lost in his thoughts. Images of Bokuto flirting with the waitress filled his mind along with all the nights the male had come to his place drunk, noisy and clumsy, bubbling on and on about how much he loved Akaashi. Akaashi didn't let himself believe those words- they were only drunken words that carried no meaning.

Maybe Akaashi could believe him, take those words Bokuto said and embrace them with all he had, but when Bokuto woke up in the morning he didn't remember saying those words at all.

The boy let out a sigh as he made his way down the beach, the lights and murmurings of the people at the restaurant disappearing behind him. All that it was was him, the sand, the water and the moon. It was peaceful; the waves softly crashed against the sand and the bright moon was reflected on the deep blue of the ocean.

He walked 'til the tips of his shoes hit the wet sand and he stared down at the small bubbles that appeared from it as the waves were pulled back out into the ocean.

It was probably an idiotic thing to walk out of the restaurant like that but Akaashi just couldn't take it anymore. He knew he didn't have the right to be jealous, but the nagging feeling wouldn't subside. It didn't help when Bokuto confessed to him when he was drunk and didn't remember it in the morning. It had happened again this morning and even Suga had known.

Being confessed to by the guy you like should make someone the happiest person in the world, but every time Bokuto said those words, it was like a stab to Akaashi's heart. He had longed for the male ever since high school, ever since first-year, when he had walked into the gym at Fukurodani Academy to hand in his volleyball form.

The team had been in the middle of training and were doing spiking practice. It had been Bokuto's turn to hit the ball and Akaashi hadn't been able to keep his eyes off the male. He had an adoring look on his face when he jumped in the air and it completely changed into one of determination and concentration as he hit it, the ball smashing into the other side of the court. Akaashi had been captivated by Bokuto ever since.

Akaashi sighed as he stared out across the ocean, his hair ruffling in the soft wind and it was then that he finally noticed the chilliness in the air and he shivered slightly, wrapping his arms around himself. He had no idea if he should go back to the restaurant and if he did, should he act like nothing just happened? He knew for sure Suga, Kuroo and Kenma knew why he had left but the only one he wished knew about his feelings was Bokuto.

He had attempted to confess his feelings to the male multiple times but whenever he opened his mouth to say something the drunken Bokuto came to mind and he shied out of it, scared of utter rejection.

Akaashi pulled at his hair in frustration and felt tears collect in the corner of his eyes but he blinked them back. He was stronger than this, so the only sign of his emotional state was the shine of his eyes. Suddenly a loud call of his name pierced the silence of the night and Akaashi turned on his heel in bewilderment to see Bokuto running down the sand towards him.

His hands fell from his hair and he stared wide eyed at the male, watching him bend over slightly to catch his breath.

"Bokuto-san, wha-" He was suddenly cut off when Bokuto straightened up and grabbed Akaashi by the shoulders.

"Why did you run out like that?" Bokuto asked... and was that desperation he heard in his voice?

"Well, technically I didn't run," he said, stopping when Bokuto gave him a bored look and Akaashi sighed. "No reason," he lied, "I just needed some fresh air."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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