Chapter 11

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You clung to Roxas like he was your lifeline, because, well, he was.

Roxas was the only thing keeping you real as you drifted through space.

Even though you still felt the emptiness coursing through you like you did when you were traveling through the dark corridors, this time, you saw a light from behind your eyelids.

When you opened them up, you gasped as you saw a murky gray space with a swirling portal of black at the other end of this weird white corridor. Standing in front of it was a girl.

Her hair was short and brown, cut across her face at a sharp angle and covering her right eye. The aforementioned eyes were a brilliant green, with flecks of yellow you could see all the way over to where you stood. She stood confidently, hands folded on the butt of a golden sword. Her eyes were empty of emotion, and it sent a shiver down your spine.

"Why are you here?" She demanded. You growled; the tone of her voice was not welcome. You heard the chink of metal as Roxas summoned his weapon and you did you, the gleaming white blade appearing effortlessly in your palm.

"I'm here to stop you," Roxas said. There was a moment of silence, and you saw the faintest smirk grow on the girl's lips, a heh drawn from her throat.

"You don't really know what you're getting yourself into, little boy," she tutted You heard Roxas growl.

"Just get out of the way, Gixba!" He yelled. She dodged his charge attack, nimbly stepping out of the way. You charged her then, only managing to make a deep scratch on her thigh.

"If you want to defeat my boss, you're gonna have to be quicker than that," she laughed. Roxas charged again, flying through the air this time and slicing down at her. She didn't move, only blocked with her huge golden sword. Before he could register, he heard a loud buzzing noise.

You gasped as you saw several yellow-and-black insects pouring out of a hole Gixba's sword. Wasps. They swarmed around Roxas, distracting him as he tried to hold the block. With a grunt, he pushed off. The wasps followed, effectively distracting him.

This was your chance. While Gixba was watching Roxas in the cloud of wasps, you ran up behind her, footsteps barely noticeable, and swiped your foot beneath hers, knocking her off her feet.

Gixba hit the floor with a scream, and you flipped over her and straddled her waist, effectively pinning her to the ground. Roxas ran over to you pointed his sword at her throat.

"Answer me a question: where is your leader?"

She spat in his direction. You pushed down on the cut on her thigh, making her gasp in pain.

"She...she..." Gixba gasped out. Roxas leaned closer.

"What is it?" You asked.

"She...will d-defeated by the likes of you!" Gixba yelled in rebellion. She whistled, and whatever was left of the cloud of wasps rushed over to her, all stinging a place on her neck.

You screamed and jumped off of her. Gixba began to cough as she became blurry around the edges.

"I've had my fun, but I'm tired of being an empty shell," Gixba breathed, looking past both you and Roxas to a fixed point. "I'd rather not exist at all than live a lie."

And with that, Gixba was gone.

"Well..." Roxas said after a moment of silence, "that was weird."

"Yeah." You replied. "I almost feel...sorta bad for her?" You questioned yourself. "I don't know. Let's just...let's just go."

You took Roxas' hand, leading him through the swirling portal at the end of the corridor and into the unknown.

The two of you emerged from the darkness into a stark white room. You had to squint for a second to get used to the light. Tall, thin Windows stretched from ceiling to floor, letting in as much light as possible. There was a long white table in front of you, with twelve chairs: five on the sides of the table, and one on each end. The one on your end of the table was vacant; so were the other eleven.

All except for one.

At the head of the table sat a dark figure. Her head was down so that you couldn't see her eyes, and her dark hair cascaded down into her face, wavy and wild. Hands were clenched tightly into fists, so much so her knuckles turned white over tanned skin. She wore a black dress with a hood, and when she slowly raised her head to acknowledge the pair of you, you saw more rage in her dark, dark eyes than you'd seen anywhere in your life other than one instance.

The rage that mirrored your own when you discovered your parents had been brutally murdered by the Heartless.

"Well," the girl spoke, and her voice was deep and rich and dangerous. "I suppose since you've killed all of my friends, you're here to fight me."

"Nobodies don't have friends," you spat, "there's no reason for you to feel remorse."

Even as you said the words, there was a pang in your chest telling you it wasn't true.

The girl just looked into your (e/c) eyes with her large, dark, angry ones.

"And who told you that? The Organization?" She spat. "This is why we fought them. They brainwashed you, all of you. Light still exists for us, if only we reach out and claim it again."

The girl stood from her seat, staring at the ground. Suddenly, her eyes darted up to yours, and her hand shot out to her side.

"Orchalcium!" She cried. "Aid me in battle one last time." A gold-and-quartz blade appeared, twisting vines of gold wrapping around the blade so that it vaguely resembled Roxas'. A keyblade.

You and Roxas summoned your weapons as the table disappeared, leaving you in an empty white room.

"My name is Erivaxle," the girl declared, gripping her sword tightly, "and I'm not going to go down without a fight."



(Okay technically it's not me, but cmon. I started this book when I was still in that shameless phase of self-inserting)


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