The Drive

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He dropped it again. Those plates couldn't possibly still be okay. He's crying now. I can't hear him but his face shows it all. I spare a glance at the clock on my dashboard. 20 minutes. We should've been gone from this stupid town 20 minutes ago.

I lay my weary head against the steering wheel. Sleep didn't show up at my goodbye party last night. The party consisting of a easel, blue paint, and me. I shut my eyes at 5 a.m to wake up 3 hours later. How am I ever going to drive over 6 hours?  A knock at the window caused my head to snap up, causing a shooting pain to shoot down my neck unto my shoulders. Mom stood their, her dark gray hair in a butterfly clip.   

I pushed the car door open, making sure not to hit her with it. I stand up coming to full height with my mother, not an inch in difference.

"We'll be leaving in 10 minutes. I got Joseph but, I need you to go next door to Merrill. She has some things for you." she spoke breathlessly. I nodded slowly, walking pass her, pulling my sleeves over my hands. The grass squeaked and sloshed under me from the morning storm. I took a glance at the once full house next to me. 

Now without Joseph's toy trucks on the lawn and my Clematis on the porch, the house looked sad, dark and haunted. I sighed, focusing on walking up the uneven porch-step of Merrill's house. I knocked on the door, looking up at her many wind chimes.  

"Why do you even knock, Muppet? Come in, Come in!" A loud, croaky voice yelled through the screen door. I smiled softly, pushing the door softly and walking in. My smile vanished when I saw boxes up and down the hallway and in the sitting room in the front. A head of white hair pops out from the kitchen door.

"Come in. Sorry about the mess. You know packing is hard work." she laughs, shooting back into the kitchen. I follow slowly, watching her from the door frame. She moves quickly from one side of the kitchen to the other. Her wrinkly, dark skin catches the light from the window she passes by. She looks up at me and rolls her eyes.

"Well, hurry up, Muppet! I'm not getting any younger. Grab the box over their in the corner. It's got your name on it." she chuckles.

"Why are you packing?" I ask, walking softly over to the box with Muppet  written in bold red ink. I grasp it's side, huffing at the surprising weight.

"Because I like the way boxes look and thought of redecorating." she huffs. I shrug my shoulders, pulling at the opening of the box.

"Not really my style, but I guess if you like it that's okay." A towel hits my head and I laugh at her face.

"I'm moving to Florida with my Daughter. She's got a nice house with a pool and everything. Might get a tan." She laughed, posing like a model. I chuckle, finally pulling open the opening apart. I gasp loudly, covering my mouth. I look up at her, shaking my head in protest.

"Oh don't even. You've been eyeing my paint since I started teaching you how to paint." Inside held over a dozen long bottles full of handmade paint and extra canvases. On top, laid a wind chime made of glass, paint, wood, and thread. I pulled it up gently, getting a soft chime in response. The light caught it perfectly. I laid it gently on the table. I pick one of the bottles up opening it, getting a strong scent of lavender hit my nose. I closed my eyes in pleasure before shaking my head.

"I love this, Buffy, but I have no room for all of this." I shake my head, putting the paint and wind chime back in the box.

"You listen to me now, Jess. If you love something, you will always have room for that thing. Even if you have to get rid of everything else. Your happiness and passion comes before everything else. You need to know that before you leave me today."Her voice held no humor in it, her face serious and stern. I was lost at words and for a minute we stood their looking at each other. 

A honk broke our eye contact. I look out the open kitchen window to see mother leaning out, waving towards us. I wave back before turning towards Merrill. She smiles up at me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Don't be a stranger. I will be sending you postcards and you better reply." She spoke sternly, pinching my arm lightly. I nod, incapable of forming words through my tears. She smiles sweetly, kissing my cheek. I return the favor. I grasp the box once again, pulling it to my chest, before walking out of the house I grew up in. 

The morning showers were slowly returning, falling into the box of goodies. I speed walk towards Mom's car. She rolls down the window.

"What did she give you?" Joseph's voice spoke from the back of the car.

"Paint, Jos. Am I following you?" I say, turning my attention to my Mom.

"That was sweet of her. She knows you so well. Yeah, you're following me." she smiled. I nod, heading to my car. By the time I got the box safely put on the floor of the passenger's side and was in my seat, the was pounding on my windshield. I looked up into the gray sky and smelled the lavender paint and for the first time in a week,

I was really happy.

Hi everybody! I really hope you like this book. I know it's slow right now but I'm telling you right now, there will be drama, steam, and love. Again, Thank you so Much for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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