Let's Talk, and This Time, No Flashing Please.

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Betrayal Has its Perks too.

Chapter two- Let’s talk, and this time, no flashing please.

Bella’s POV

   “I loved her Bella; I thought she was my mate! She told me I was her mate! I can’t believe I fell for it, I was naïve! To be put under her façade like that, to trust her, and love her for so long and not see through it!” Jasper whimpered out, causing me to put my hand on his knee in comfort. “It’s ok Jazz, I sort of know what you’re going through, though I can’t say I’ve been with Edward long but with the trusting, and being naïve, well yeah I guess I understand that much.” I told him. He looked at me and said, “That much you were, he was a douchebag that much I always knew about Edward, he never really cared much about anything and he seemed to think he was better than anyone because he was the first one to join the coven, that Carlisle liked him best. Carlisle isn’t one to make favorites and he likes us all the same, and Edward used to disagree, but as you know, I’m an empath, so of course I can feel who he likes and dislikes, and Edward wasn’t any good for you Bella, but you were happy, so I let you be with him.” I looked at him, as if questioning, ‘Was he really like that when I’m not around?’ “Edward was always so nice to me, but albeit, controlling.” I told him. “Why don’t we talk, talk about anything, it will help us, but this time, no flashing please.” Jazz suggested. I chuckled and said, “Okay.” We went on for hours and hours just talking about life, and what we’ve accomplished, and I found out that, Jasper isn’t the bad, dangerous guy the other Cullen’s made him out to be, he was actually quite nice, he was starting to grow on me.

   “Its getting late Bella, you should sleep.” Jasper finally told me at around one AM, I laid down and muttered an ok, and saw him going to climb out the window, and I found that I didn’t want him to leave, not yet. “Japer?” I asked, he looked back at me and said, “Yes Bella?” I blushed and asked, “Will you stay with me tonight?” He looked at me and smiled, just a teensy bit, and I’m not even sure if it was actually there or not, I think I might be going insane, I must be imagining things, how could he smile so soon after what happened? Certainly I couldn’t make him smile like that? No, of course not, I confirmed. He seemed amused by my internal rant but he replied, “Sure Bella.” He then sat down on the floor next to my bed, turned out the lights and said, “Goodnight Bella.” I smiled a bit and said, “Goodnight Jasper, and thanks.” I was out like a light but I heard him say, ‘You’re welcome’ I then drifted off into a horrible nightmare

-------------nightmare *dun dun dun!*---------

I was in the meadow, and I was surrounded by mirrors, and all of them had me in them saying, “You weren’t good enough for him you filthy little whore, no wonder he cheated!” over and over again, and I started to cry and then my ‘reflections’ eyes turned red and they started one by one coming out of the mirrors and I screamed, they were newborn me’s! they surrounded me and laughed and then they all tackled me to the ground and started to claw my skin off and I yelled, “JASPER HELP! SAVE ME!! AGHHH!”

I was then awoke by a concerned Jasper, who was shaking my arm saying, “Bella, Bella wake up!” I woke up and tears sprang in my eyes, maybe what the mirror me’s said was true, maybe I wasn’t good, maybe they were mocking me by becoming newborns. Jasper saw my tears and said, “Shush darlin’ you’re alright, and nothin’s going to hurt you while I’m here.” He wiped my tears away with his thumb and asked, “Do you want to talk about it?” I silently nodded ‘yes’ and proceeded to tell him, “I was in the meadow surrounded by mirror reflections of myself that kept telling me I wasn’t good enough and that’s why he cheated, and then they all suddenly got red eyes, and crawled out of their lass and attacked me, and I screamed, and that’s when you came in, thank you, again.” He moved some hair out of my face and said, “You said my name you know.” I blushed and stuttered, “I-er-well-uh..” he chuckled and told me, “It’s ok, you don’t need to be so embarrassed about it, I think it’s kind of nice that you wanted me to save you and all.” He stroked my cheek until I fell back asleep, but somewhere in my subconscious, I still felt it as I dreamt, what were now, pleasant dreams. I awoke at 4 Am once more because I heard dry sobs emitting in the air. I looked over and saw Jasper hugging his knees to his chest and sobbing, “Why?” over and over again. It hurt me to see him like that, deeply, so I put my hand out and touched one of his wrists. He looked up at me and said, “Oh, Bella, sorry if I waked you.” I looked at him and replied, “It doesn’t matter if you woke me up, come here.” He looked confused but stood up after a moment’s hesitation. He was looking down at me and I pulled him down into a hug, I knew he wouldn’t lose control, he had just hunted yesterday. I then scooted over and ordered him to lay there next to me for the rest of the night, but he looked, if anything embarrassed for a vampire, and that was a shock to me, I didn’t think vampires ever got embarrassed about anything, they were so confident, but I didn’t pity Jasper, oh no, I will never pity him, but I do care about him and, oh dear me, I think I may like him a little bit, I just hope he doesn’t find out, him being an empath and all.

---------Jasper’s POV------------

When she made me lay down next to her, well I got to hand it to her, she surprised me. I wasn’t expecting her to just give up space in her bed for someone who doesn’t even sleep! I concentrated on her emotions and I felt a teensy bit of love, and absolutely no pity. What surprises me is that she doesn’t pity me like I’d expect her to, but I guess I should start expecting the unexpected from her, she really is something, and Edward just had to fuck it up with her, like he does with everything, god I hate him! I’m curious though, as to whom she is feeling love for? Possibly still for Edward? I highly doubt it, but you never know, I hope it’s for me. Wait…since when have I thought that? This cannot be good! Oh dear lord I think I might like her!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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Betrayal, Has its Perks too. Jasper and Bella love story :DWhere stories live. Discover now