Savior (chapter two)

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I dedicate this chapter to @catherine_allwood, she gave me the idea for this chapter :) thanks

Bell's P.O.V

I looked at the clock it was 10:30 am, I should probably get up. I got up and jumped in the shower, once I got out I straightened my hair and put on little make up. I went to my closet I chose, light wash denim shorts and and maroon obey tank top. I put on my grey Neff beanie and my grey vans. I decided to go to Starbucks, so I grabbed my laptop so I could figure out more details on my plan for the memorial of my best friend Lilly. I live 2 blocks from Starbucks so I walked. I walked into Starbucks and ordered a Hazelnut Cappuccino. I grabbed a seat on one of the comfy chairs and opened my laptop.

I finished up the plans for the memorial, I had emailed some places and made an invitation list. I went home and dropped off my laptop and decided to go to the mall so i can get some new shirts. I grabbed my keys and got into my car and headed to the mall. I got out of my car and ran to the entrance of The Grove mall. I hit up Urban Outfitters, Pac Sun, and the Vans store. I got a crew neck sweater, jean shorts and 2 pairs of vans. Then I saw her the girl that caused the pain I had for the past year and the person who got my friend to commit suicide. "Look over there its that slut who cut for attention" Zoe said loud enough for me to here. "Why hasn't she killed herself like her friend Lilly" they all started to laugh. The tears began to pour down my face I have to get out of there, I started to run towards the nearest exit I heard someone running behind me and ran faster. I was about to open my car door when someone grabbed my arm and pulled my into a hug. I looked up and Connor was holding me close, I felt safe. "Bell are you OK?" he asked me letting me go of the hug. "Those girls have had it out for me ever since me and my friend Lilly started school here" I said, as he rubbed the tears from my face. "Bell is what they said was true did you friend Lilly kill herself because of those girls" I just nodded. "You are a beautiful girl Bell don't listen to any of those girls, I'll always be here for you." he hugged me again "thanks Connor no ones ever said that to me" I looked at my shoes then I looked up at him and realized i needed to keep the people who cared close. "Connor would you like to come over i'm going home to make dinner and i usually make way to much for just one person" I said smiling "I'd love to Bell" i nodded and he got into the passenger side of my car. I pulled into my house and he helped me bring all my bags in. "So Connor what would you like for dinner" he smiles at me "um how about we make pizza" I laughed and grabbed the things for a homemade pizza. I put down some flour so we could roll the dough when I turned around and got a face full of flour and followed by laughing. "You're going to regret that" I said grabbing flour and throwing it at Connor's face. "And that's what you get for doing it to me" I said laughing and running away. "Not so fast" he ran up behind be and cracked an egg over my head. "You did not just do that" I screamed he started to laugh and ran off. "This means war Connor" I yelled, I grabbed the ketchup and chocolate sauce and ran in the direction he ran. "Come out, come out where ever you are, Connor I have a surprise for you" I laughed. I could see him hiding behind a door so I pretended that i couldn't see him. I ran in the room turned around a squirted chocolate sauce and ketchup all over him, while he sprayed me with mustard. We eventually ran out and started to laugh "oh my god Bell I'm covered, I need to clean up" I just nodded because i was laughing to hard to. We both went out side and sprayed each other with the hose. I grabbed some close from my cousin, he gave me some close last time he was here. We eventually made the pizza and watched Mean Girls. "Well I should probably get going Ricky is going to be worried about me" "OK want to go to the beach tomorrow?" I asked "sure i'd love to, well bye Bell i'll text you" I nodded he left and I looked at the time and it was 11:30pm, I should probably get to bed and boy I couldn't wait till tomorrow.


A/N: thanks again Catherine for the help, I'm really not sure where i want this story to go, any ideas comment what you think and vote :) and the drink is the hazelnut frappachino Bell ordered.

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