chapter 14

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::YN P.O.V.::

-I didn't sleep that night.I couldn't,my mind was buzzing with thoughts of Princeton...and I'm sorry to say...Damien too.I tossed and turned in my bed,but my thoughts refused to rest.I was in love with Jacob...I really was.Then how come every time I tried to remember our first time it would only flash back to thoughts of Damien on top of me?I had to see him.I hopped out of bed,didnt even bother changing out of my p.j.s,just threw on a hoodie and headed out the door.I walked swiftly toward the other side of town,breaking into a jog once the studio was in sight.The street creepers hollered after me

Creeper:Mmhm,damn ma!

Creeper 2:Aye baby bring dat tight ass round here

-They licked their lips,but I ignored then and continued toward the studio.

Creeper:Oh,she thinks she too good for us ya'll.

Creeper 3:C'mon sexy,show some niggas a good time

-They began to follow along behind me,walking fast,they began to close the gap between us

Creeper:C'mon shawty quit runnin

-I shouted over my shoulder

YN:Ya'll leave me alone I dont have time for thi-AAH!

-One of them had caught up to me just as I reached the door.My fingers were on the knob as one of the men took me by my waist.He covered my mouth with his grimy fingers.One of ther others grab my butt while the other felt across my boobs.I bit down on the guys hand hard and he yelped in pain,releasing my mouth


-I screamed hoping my shrieks would reach him,he was probably asleep right now.Please God dont let him be asleep


-The mans hand was over my mouth again as they dragged me away from the door.The three men were about to bring me down a dark alleyway.I struggled and fought,but I stood no chance.I began to cry. All of a sudden I watched the studio door fly open and Damien stepped out into the night


-The man with his hand over my mouth turned

Dez:You aint seen nothin bruh,

Damien:Dez let her go.RIGHT.NOW

-He came closer to us

Dez:Damien stop bein a punk ass and you can get some too

-He looked Dez straight in the eye.The look as so menacing I was afraid of him myself

Damien:Get your hands off my girl

-I felt all three grips come off me suddenly.I ran into Damien's arms

Dez:Oh this is YOU'RE girl...My bad nigga my bad

-I didnt see his face,I was still shaking with fear and tears continued to stream out of my eyes

Damien:Nigga touch her again and I'll rip out your motherfuckin throat.

-Damien's voice was low and authoritative.I looked up at him,his expression dark.I'd never seen Damien act this way.It was scary,sad almost.I watched Dez and the other three back away slowly,hands up in surrender.Damien looked at each of them in turn


-He barked suddenly,making everyone jump.The three guys ran away back down the block from which we had came.Damien swept me up,bridal style and took me back into the house,coaxing me softly.

"It's ok babe,I promise you're safe now"

-He set me on the couch and sat near me.I was no longer crying,only a little shaken from it all.I threw my arms around Damien immediately, burying my face in his neck

YN:Thank you! Damien,thank you.

-He rubbed my back lightly

Damien:I'm always here for you YNN...

-We stayed in the embrace as he kissed my Princeton does...

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