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Princeton P.O.V.::


-I hollered after her. I snatched her by her arm, but she yanked her self away and sprinted from the apartment. I clamored down the front steps at her heels.


-She screamed back at me, running into the street. I hadn't seen the truck turn the corner. I'd never even heard it coming, but I was just in time to watch it smash into her body. I still remember that moment of impact, feeling the air lift out of my own lungs, having my leg crumble beneath me. I watched everything I loved get snatched away from me. She would not stay here. She was Unbound.~

::Princeton P.O.V.::

Ray Ray: Just go talk to her

-He shoved me in her direction while the boys stood back and watched. I'd been on this girl for weeks, months and I didn't even know her name, she was driving me crazy. When I'd opened the door to the library and saw her sitting there my heart had immediately jumped into my throat. I spun around to walk out, but felt Roc push me back through the doors.

Roc: You're not in f*cking middle school bro. Go tell the girl you think she all that and a bag of chips.

-She was sitting elegantly in a chair. She was reading a novel, smiling down at the pages. She looked like something out of a movie.

Princeton: I can't she's just so-

-Different. Intelligent. Beautiful. Kind. Perfect. Roc pushed through my thoughts.

Roc: Well if you don't go get that, I will! I mean, look at that hair, those eyes-

-At that exact moment she stood and went to place her book on the lower shelf of the nearby bookcase. Her behind sat high in the air. Roc and Ray Ray exclaimed at the same time.

Ray/Roc: THAT @SS!!!

-They'd shouted through the nearly silent library. People turned to look at us. So did she. I ducked behind Roc. Prodigy turned toward them.

Prodigy: Ya'll disgust me

-He dragged me out from behind Roc

Prodigy: Look Prince, you like this one. So go after her. Just give the girl a shot and if it's meant to be it will be.

-Ray Ray parted between us.

Ray Ray: Alright then, THANK YOU Gandhi! Now Prince, go get some!

-He threw me out in the open this time. I crept toward the beautiful girl who was now sitting back in her chair with a new novel in her hands. Her brow was narrowed in concentration. I cleared my throat softly and she looked up at me.

Princeton: Whatcha got there.

Her:A book.

Princeton: I could've guessed that.

-I flashed a sweet smile at her and I suddenly wished I'd had my glasses on so she couldn't look into my eyes. I was nervous, extremely nervous.

Princeton: What's your name beautiful?

Her: YN

Princeton: Well YN I was just wondering if maybe you'd like you hang out sometime.

-She suddenly smiled at me and it felt like the entire world lit up.

YN: I'd like that..but um I think you need to get your boys first.

-I looked back to see Ray Ray sitting on top of the front desk flirting with the library assistant, who couldn't be but a few years older than us. Roc was actually macking on a girl in the fiction section. They were nearly clawing each others clothes off and she was moaning loudly. I never had any idea how he worked so fast with these chicks. Peoples heads were turning. Prodigy stood where I'd left him, shaking his head at Roc and Ray Ray, then walking out of the library completely. I cursed under my breath. YN giggled as she scrawled a number onto the title page of the novel, she tore it out.

Princeton: Won't you have to pay for that?

YN: Who's gonna know I did it?

-She smirked at me.

Princeton: Bye beautiful

-I sent a wink her way then turned on my heels. Dragging Roc away from the girl who'd now knocked over three racks of books and taking Ray Ray by the collar as we sped out of the media center and off campus.

unbound Princeton love storyWhere stories live. Discover now